Doom Cycle
does it mean when someone refers to the “Doom Cycle,” or “Doom
concept will be discussed in detail at the Roosevelt Institute’s
March 3rd conference in New York, ‘Make Markets Be Markets’, and
also in a report written
by Simon Johnson, Rob Johnson (Director of the Roosevelt Institute’s
Project on Global Finance), Nobel Laureate Joe Stiglitz (Chief
Economist of the Roosevelt Institute), Elizabeth Warren, and others.
Stay tuned for updates on this much-anticipated event.
“Doom Cycle” is a phrase often used to refer to the
current boom-bust-bailout structure
of the financial sector that leads to economic crises. Simon Johnson
has been a major proponent of shedding light on this cycle, which he
believes begins with risky investments and dangerous financial
practices that lead to increased growth and profitability, but soon
bust — bringing the financial sector to its knees after its
inevitable collapse. After the bust comes the bailout, which,
although may be necessary at the time, is more harmful in the long
run because it does not address the fundamental structural flaws of
our financial system. This vicious cycle only continues to grow, and
with no salient regulation will continue in perpetuity, bringing with
it crisis after crisis.
“Doom Loop” has
been defined in
the New York Times as: “a
virtueless circle in which banks take ever-greater risks to boost
returns (secure in the knowledge the state will underwrite them), and
governments are forced to break their promises “never again” to
bankroll losses (further encouraging banks to take dangerous risks).”
is the significance?
“Doom Cycle” is one of the most significant ideas within the
discourse on the current economic crisis. What the “Doom Cycle”
offers is an explanation and a solution to the current financial
crisis and the conditions which helped to create it. The “Doom
Cycle” serves as a framework through which we can begin to address
the economic condition of America in the twenty-first century. If we
are to avoid another financial meltdown, leading thinkers believe
that serious reforms are necessary. Without them, another, worse
crisis may be inevitable. Through this idea, we gain a paradigmatic
view of the financial system, and are able to understand the attitude
and atmosphere that fosters a cycle of risk, gain, and collapse.
talking about it?
Johnson has been outspoken on this issue, and has written
extensively on
the “Doom Loop,” and the next impending
financial crisis.
The “Doom Loop” has also gained popularitydue
to a paper published by Andrew
G Haldane, Executive Director, Financial Stability, Bank of England,
and Piergiorgio Alessandri. Johnson often refers to this paper as an
invaluable resource for understanding the “Doom Loop.”
Inflation, Policy Rate and Output gap
Olivier Blanchard Chief Economist IMF
October 22, 2012 by From InpaperMagzine
Excerpt from speech at – In the Wake
of the Crisis – conference March 7 2011
the economic crisis began in 2008, mainstream economists and
policymakers had converged on a beautiful construction for monetary
policy. To caricature just a bit: we had convinced ourselves that
there was one target, inflation, and one instrument, the policy rate.
And that was basically enough to get things done.
lesson to be drawn from this crisis is that this construction was not
right: There are many targets and many instruments. How the
instruments are mapped on to the targets and how these instruments
are best used are complicated problems, but we need to solve them.
monetary policy is likely to be much messier than the simple
construction we developed earlier. There was one target, stable
inflation, and there was one instrument, the policy rate or more
precisely the policy rate rule, and that was basically enough. If you
had the right rule for the policy rate, you would achieve low and
stable inflation. The use of a rule, implicit or explicit, gave the
central bank credibility and delivered a stable economy.
implicit assumption was that stable inflation would deliver economic
stability in the sense of a stable output gap. This was the case
many formal academic models. In these models, if you maintained stable inflation, you would also maintain a stable output gap. The two went together, so there was no reason to look at the output gap separately.
many formal academic models. In these models, if you maintained stable inflation, you would also maintain a stable output gap. The two went together, so there was no reason to look at the output gap separately.
on the part of central bankers made them realise that this was an
extreme proposition, that there could be (at least in the short run)
some distance between the two, and that they also had to worry about
the output gap. That led to something called flexible inflation
targeting, in which central banks allowed for temporary deviations
from the inflation target to stabilise what they thought was the
output gap.
learned two main lessons from the current crisis. The first is that
even with stable inflation and a stable output gap, things might not
be going well behind the — macroeconomic — scene. For example,
tensions can build up in the financial sector, and financial
instability eventually translates into major problems in terms of
output and activity. This realization has led to a general consensus
that the list of targets must now include financial stability as well
as macroeconomic stability.
is also agreement that the debate as it was framed pre-crisis —
whether you should use the policy rate to try to achieve both macro-
and financial stability — was not the right debate. There are many
instruments out there, not just the policy rate, and there is no
reason to rely only on the policy rate.
second lesson is that the link between inflation stability and the
output gap is probably much weaker than was originally thought. In a
number of countries, the behavior of inflation appears to have
become increasingly divorced from the evolution of the output gap.
this is the case, then central bankers who care about macro-stability
cannot be content just to keep inflation stable. They have to watch
both inflation and the output gap, measured as best as they can.
Nobody will watch the output gap for them.
need to think about monetary policy in a broad sense as having many
targets — at least inflation, output, and risk — and having many
instruments. We can have some allocation of instruments, but we must
also realise that most instruments are going to affect all three
targets in some way.
if central banks start being in charge of many instruments, nearly
all of them having an effect on a specific segment of the economy,
then the question of independence comes up. The interactions between
the various instruments and objectives argue for one decider,
presumably the central bank. But how much independence you then can
give to it is an open question.
notion that the central bank uses many instruments reminds one of
earlier monetary policies, such as those of the 1950s, in which too
many tools and too many interventions led to distortions and
sometimes perverse outcomes. This is a challenge. Still, we have to
accept the fact that monetary policy should probably be thought of in
that form — many instruments and many targets.
me conclude by repeating my basic message. We have moved from a
one-target, one-instrument world to one where there are many targets
and many instruments. And we are just starting to begin the long and
difficult process of exploring what such a new framework may look
from ‘Monetary policy in the wake of the crisis’
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