Zealand is a third country that has conducted monetary policy without
reserve requirements for a number of years. As in Canada and the
United Kingdom, monetary policy operating procedures in New Zealand
are currently undergoing significant changes.
requirements were eliminated in New Zealand in the mid-1980s as part
of a set of larger policy initiatives designed to increase the
efficiency of the economy by reducing distortions caused by taxes and
government regulation (Evans and others). Thus, as in Canada and the
UK, reserve requirements in New Zealand were seen as imposing a
significant cost on financial institutions while, at the same time,
having little operational use in monetary policy."
Zealand Zero Reserve Banking System
Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Review Second Quarter 1997
policy without reserve requirements: Case studies and options for the
United States
Gordon H Sellon JR, Stuart E Weiner
the past decade, the level of required reserve balances held by
depository institutions in the United States has declined
dramatically. Indeed, most depository institutions can now meet
reserve requirements by holding vault cash rather than by maintaining
balances at the Federal Reserve. Part of this decrease resulted from
the Federal Reserve's decision to reduce reserve requirements in 1990
and 1992 to reduce bank costs and stimulate lending. More recently,
depository institutions have been able to cut required balances even
further by sweeping funds from reservable to nonreservable accounts,
circumventing reserve requirement regulations.
decline in reserve balances has fueled a debate over the role of
reserve requirements. On the one hand, proponents of reserve
requirements argue that low reserve balances may complicate monetary
policy operations and increase shortterm interest rate volatility.
Thus, they advocate the Federal Reserve take actions to stop the
continuing erosion of reserve balances. On the other hand, critics of
reserve requirements argue that lower reserve requirements remove a
distortionary tax on depository institutions and need not complicate
monetary policy operations.
a previous article, we provided an analytical framework for thinking
about these issues (Sellon and Weiner). That article suggested that
monetary policy can be conducted in a world of low or zero reserve
requirements as long as there continues to be a demand for central
bank balances. Such demand is likely to arise from the need of
financial institutions to hold central bank balances for settlement
purposes and to transact business with the government. The demand for
settlement balances is likely to be behaviorally different from the
demand for reserves, however, leading to two potential problems for
monetary policy operations. First, because the demand for central
bank balances arises from payments needs rather than from a mandated
linkage to deposit liabilities, the structure of the payments system
becomes an important factor in the design and implementation of
monetary policy operating procedures. Consequently, changes in the
payments system may affect the demand for settlement balances and
complicate monetary policy. Second, short-term interest rate
volatility could increase as reserve requirements decline if the
demand for central bank balances becomes more difficult to forecast
or if the interest sensitivity of this demand is reduced. Increased
interest rate volatility would be of concern to the extent it had
negative effects on economic activity.
these potential problems are valid in theory, it is not clear how
important they are in practice. To judge their practical importance,
in this article we examine how three countriesCanada, the United
Kingdom, and New Zealand-conduct monetary policy without using
reserve requirements. The experience of these three countries
provides insight into the linkages between the payments system and
monetary policy and into the connection between reserve requirements
and interest rate volatility. This insight is particularly helpful in
understanding the implications of a further reduction of reserve
balances in the United States. The analysis suggests that reserve
requirements are not essential for the conduct of U.S. monetary
policy provided the Federal Reserve is sufficiently flexible in
modifying existing mechanisms for providing liquidity to the banking
article has four main sections. The first section reviews the
implications of declining reserve requirements for monetary policy.
The second section describes how the central banks in Canada, the
United Kingdom, and New Zealand conduct monetary policy without
reserve requirements and examines the relationship between the
payments system and monetary policy procedures. The third section
uses the experience of these three countries to analyze the
connection between reserve requirements and interest rate volatility.
The final section draws implications for the United States and
discusses some of the options open to U.S. policymakers in addressing
the declining effectiveness of reserve requirements.
the years, the role of reserve requirements as a monetary policy
instrument has diminished. In the United States, as in many other
countries, reserve balances have declined as reserve requirements
have been cut and as financial institutions have attempted to
minimize the costs of holding reserves. Operating in a world with low
reserve requirements, however, raises important conceptual and
practical issues for central banks.
declining importance of reserve requirements
the United States and many other countries, banks and other
depository institutions are required to maintain a fraction of their
deposit liabilities in the form of reserves-balances held at the
central bank or vault cash held at the institution.' Generally,
depository institutions do not have to meet reserve requirements on a
daily basis but only, on average, over a period of one or more
weeks.2 Like many central banks, the Federal Reserve does not pay
interest on reserve balances. Thus, to the extent that reserve
requirements force depository institutions to hold higher balances
than necessary for normal business purposes, reserve requirements
constitute a tax on depository institutions.
reserve requirements are seen as a burden by depository institutions,
historically central banks have viewed reserve requirements as an
important instrument of monetary policy. Traditionally, reserve
requirements have been viewed as a means for a central bank to limit
the amount of credit extended by banks or growth in the money supply.
role of reserve requirements in monetary policy has changed in recent
years, however, as many central banks have abandoned operating
procedures designed to control reserve or money growth and instead
have emphasized control of short-term interest rates. Under such an
interest rate operating procedure, reserve requirements may still be
useful to the extent that they help stabilize the demand for
reserves. This point is illustrated in Figure 1, which shows the
market for reserves. The demand for reserves D is derived from
reserve requirements plus depository institutions' desired holdings
of excess reserves. The supply of reserves S is determined by central
bank actions to supply reserves through open market operations and
its discount or lending facility and by nonpolicy factors affecting
reserve supply. In this framework, the central bank is able to
control the short-term interest rate r by altering the amount of
reserves it supplies to institutions so as to offset the effects of
shifts in reserve demand and in nonpolicy factors that shift reserve
supply. To accomplish this, however, the central bank needs to be
able to forecast both the demand for reserves and the nonpolicy
factors affecting reserve supply. Reserve requirements may be useful
in the implementation of monetary policy insofar as they help produce
a more stable or more predictable demand for reserves (Weiner 1992).
central banks have begun to weigh the smaller monetary policy role of
reserve requirements against their obvious cost to depository
institutions. In the United States and a number of other countries,
reserve requirements have been lowered, and several countries have
eliminated reserve requirements altogether (Bank of Japan). In
addition, the effectiveness of reserve requirements has been eroded
by financial innovations that reduce the amount of reserve balances
that depository institutions are required to hold. In the United
States, over the past three years, depository institutions have
substantially reduced reserve balances by "sweeping" funds
from reservable deposit accounts to nonreservable deposit accounts.3
As a result, reserve balances at the Federal Reserve have fallen to
their lowest level in 30 years, and most depository institutions can
now meet their reserve requirements by holding vault cash rather than
by maintaining reserve balances at the Federal Reserve.
policy implications of lower reserve requirements
reserve requirements have become a less important policy instrument,
it would be a mistake to conclude that the disappearance of reserve
requirements has no implications for monetary policy. Indeed, in a
world in which reserve requirements are low enough to be nonbinding
or even zero, central banks face important conceptual and practical
issues in implementing monetary policy.
main conceptual issue concerns the nature of the demand for central
bank balances in the absence of reserve requirements. Without reserve
requirements, depository institutions are likely to continue to hold
balances at the central bank in order to settle interbank payments
and to carry out transactions with the government. In the framework
shown in Figure 1, there will still be a demand curve, but it will
now represent a demand for settlement balances rather than a demand
for reserve balances. However, this demand for settlement balances is
likely to be behaviorally different from the demand for reserve
balances. Indeed, the demand for settlement balances is mainly
determined by institutional features of the payments system that
affect the timing of payments. In contrast, in a world with reserve
requirements, the demand for reserve balances depends mainly on the
level of reservable deposits held by an institution, which may bear
little relationship to payments needs.
differences have two important practical implications for monetary
policy. First, in a system with low or zero reserve requirements,
monetary policy operating procedures are likely to be more closely
linked to the structure of the payments system because the demand for
settlement balances depends largely on payments needs.' As a result,
changes in institutional aspects of the payments system may influence
the demand for settlement balances, affecting the central bank's
ability to forecast this demand and complicating the implementation
of policy. For example, a technological improvement in institutions'
ability to monitor their settlement balances could reduce their need
for settlement balances and make it more difficult to forecast this
second implication of lower reserve requirements for monetary policy
is the potential increase in the volatility of short-term interest
rates. Such volatility may be important to the extent it is
transmitted to longer term rates and has a negative effect on the
real economy. Shortterm interest rate volatility could rise as
reserve balances fall if the demand for central bank balances becomes
more difficult to forecast. Interest rate volatility could also rise
if the demand for central bank balances becomes less sensitive to
interest rates. In this situation, errors in forecasting demand or
nonpolicy supply factors would result in greater interest rate
variability (Sellon and Weiner).
these concerns about the monetary policy implications of low reserve
requirements are valid in theory, it is not clear how important they
are in practice. One way to judge their importance is to look at how
other countries conduct monetary policy without relying on reserve
requirements. The experience of three countries-Canada, the United
Kingdom, and New Zealand-illustrates that reserve requirements are
not essential to the implementation of monetary policy and, at the
same time, highlights the connection between the payments system and
monetary policy in a world without reserve requirements.
Canada, the current framework for implementing monetary policy was
introduced with the full elimination of reserve requirements in 1994.
Prospective changes in the Canadian large-dollar payments system,
scheduled for late 1997, will require significant changes in these
Canada, the decision to eliminate reserve requirements was largely
motivated by the distorting effects of reserve requirements on the
financial system (Clinton 1997, Montador). Because they applied only
to banks, reserve requirements were seen as a differential and
unnecessary tax on the banking system. In addition, as in the United
States, the effectiveness of reserve requirements was being eroded by
financial innovation. The elimination of reserve requirements in
Canada was authorized by the 1991 Bank Act, and a phaseout of reserve
requirements began in June 1992 (Clinton 1997). Reserve requirements
were fully eliminated in June 1994.
basic strategy for implementing monetary policy in Canada centers on
the Bank of Canada's control of the supply of settlement balances to
affect overnight interest rates. Desired settings for the overnight
rate are derived from objectives for short-term interest rates and
the exchange rate that are thought to be consistent with the long-run
objective of price stability.7
speaking, a central bank's ability to influence overnight rates
depends heavily on how well it can forecast the demand for settlement
balances. It must be able to forecast demand in order to determine
how much to adjust the supply of balances to achieve a desired
interest rate.8 Thus, a key element in this framework is the
existence of a well-defined demand for settlement balances.
Canada, the demand for settlement balances is determined by the need
for banks to hold funds at the Bank of Canada, which in turn depends
on institutional features of the Canadian payments system and on
rules and incentives to hold settlement balances that are set by the
Bank of Canada. Unlike the United States with its large number of
banking organizations, in Canada there is a relatively small number
of settlement institutions. There are currently 12 bank and nonbank
direct clearers that are required to settle their transactions on the
books of the Bank of Canada. The key institutional feature shaping
their demand for settlement balances is that payments made during the
day clear overnight. Settlement occurs the following morning but is
backdated to the previous day.
retroactive feature has two implications for the demand for
settlement balances by direct clearers. First, retroactive settlement
creates uncertainty for an institution about its final settlement
balance position. Second, at the time its settlement position is
known, it is too late for the institution to adjust its position
further. If the institution has a negative balance, its only option
is to borrow funds from the Bank of Canada.9 If it has a positive
balance, it incurs a cost in terms of interest foregone.
Canada, the existence of a well-defined demand for settlement
balances stems from the uncertainty created by the retroactive nature
of the settlement system and from the Bank of Canada's ability to
affect the opportunity cost of holding settlement balances. While
there is no reserve requirement for direct clearers, holding either a
positive or a negative position entails a cost, which creates an
incentive for an institution to target a zero balance. These costs
stem from two requirements. One, institutions with a negative balance
on any day are required to take a collateralized loan from the Bank
of Canada and pay the published Bank Rate, which is aligned with
prevailing short-term money market rates. Two, institutions with a
negative cumulative position over a monthly averaging period are
required to take a collateralized loan at the Bank Rate or pay a fee
in lieu of the loan. Although clearing institutions are penalized for
daily or period overdrafts, they receive no interest on positive
settlement balances. The combination of the average settlement
balance requirement, the fee on overdrafts, and the nonpayment of
interest on positive balances creates a system in which clearing
institutions will have a well-defined demand for settlement balances
which aids the Bank of Canada in achieving its overnight interest
rate objective (Clinton 1997).10
the time reserve requirements were eliminated, the Bank of Canada
also made changes to its operating procedures to improve the
efficiency and transparency of its policy actions. The principal
change was the introduction of an explicit operating band for the
overnight rate as a means of clarifying its desired target for the
overnight rate. This band, which is made public, permits the
overnight rate to fluctuate within a range of 50 basis points.
Bank of Canada implements policy by choosing a target for the
overnight rate within the operating band. The Bank attempts to
achieve this target principally by engaging in repurchase agreements
during the day to maintain the overnight rate within the band. When
rates threaten to move above the upper limit of the operating range,
the Bank can conduct Special Purchase and Resale Agreements (SPRAs)
to temporarily increase the supply of settlement balances. Similarly,
Sale and Repurchase Agreements (SRAs) can be used to absorb
settlement balances to prevent the overnight rate from falling below
the lower limit of the operating band."
addition, the Bank of Canada uses its control over government
deposits on its books to affect the supply of settlement balances.12
For example, if increased demand for settlement balances threatens to
push the overnight rate above the target, the Bank will transfer
government deposits from its books to the clearing banks. This
transaction increases the supply of settlement balances and reduces
the upward pressure on the overnight rate.13 The combination of
repurchase agreements and transfers of government balances allows the
Bank of Canada to maintain the overnight rate within the operating
overall effectiveness of this system in maintaining close control
over the overnight rate is illustrated in Chart 1. Since 1994, the
Bank of Canada has been very successful in maintaining the overnight
rate within its announced operating band without relying on reserve
the current Canadian system was developed, it was recognized that
changes in the structure of the payments system would require changes
in monetary policy operating procedures. With the scheduled
introduction of the Large-Value Transfer System (LVTS) in late 1997,
the Bank of Canada has indicated that it will alter its framework for
implementing monetary policy (Bank of Canada, Clinton 1997).
a monetary policy standpoint, the key feature of the LVTS is it will
eliminate all of the present uncertainty about settlement balances
faced by clearing institutions. Institutions will be able to track
transactions on a real-time basis throughout the day and will have
the opportunity to make final adjustments in their balances during a
presettlement period at the end of the day.14 Consequently, the
demand for settlement balances is likely to be fundamentally
different than under the current system. Indeed, under the LVTS,
direct clearers will be able to achieve a zero balance position each
day. As a result, there will be no need for a system of averaging in
this new framework. The Bank of Canada plans to set the system supply
of settlement balances equal to zero each day using an afternoon
auction of overnight government deposits. Once the system supply is
set at zero, clearing institutions will be able to trade with each
other to eliminate any individual surplus or deficient balances.
adjustments to monetary policy operating procedures, the overnight
rate could become quite volatile under the LVTS, since the rate will
depend primarily on the daily distribution of settlement balance
excesses and deficiencies. Thus, the Bank of Canada intends to change
its procedures for maintaining its operating band for the overnight
rate. Instead of using repurchase agreements during the day to
enforce the limits of the operating band as under current operating
procedures, the Bank will effectively act as a residual supplier and
purchaser of settlement balances.'5 Clearing institutions with a
settlement balance deficiency at the end of the day will be able to
finance this deficiency by obtaining a collateralized overdraft at
the Bank Rate. The Bank Rate will serve as the upper end of the
operating range for the overnight rate since institutions would be
unlikely to pay more than the Bank Rate to secure additional
settlement balances.16 Similarly, the Bank will pay interest on
positive balances held at the end of the day at a rate 50 basis
points below the Bank Rate. This rate paid on settlement balances
will serve as the lower end of the operating range since institutions
would not accept a lower rate on positive balances in the market.
With these changes, the Bank of Canada expects to be able to continue
to maintain close control over the overnight rate.
Canada's experience in implementing monetary policy without reserve
requirements is relatively recent, the United Kingdom has operated
without binding reserve requirements for more than a decade. As in
Canada, monetary policy operating procedures have undergone recent
traditional policy framework
the UK, reserve requirements have been seen as a discriminatory tax
that distorts financial intermediation (King). Thus, formal reserve
requirements, in the form of a "cash ratio deposit," were
lowered over a period of years until they were no longer binding on
bank behavior. The remaining requirement of 0.35 percent of deposits
has no operational significance for monetary policy and is viewed as
a tax whose sole purpose is to provide operating income for the Bank
of England.
Bank of England implements monetary policy by managing the supply of
settlement balances in the banking system so as to influence
short-term interest rates in a manner consistent with a long-run goal
of price stability. This general approach to monetary policy is very
similar to that of the Bank of Canada. However, the operating
procedures employed by the Bank of England are very different from
those used by the Bank of Canada. These differences reflect both
variation in the structures of financial institutions and markets in
the two countries and different choices made by the central banks in
operating methods.
the UK, monetary policy has traditionally worked through two types of
financial institutions. Settlement banks are large commercial banks
that are members of the wholesale clearing associations. Discount
houses are specialized institutions that operate in sterling money
markets and that, historically, have served as an intermediary
between the Bank of England and the settlement banks. Until the
recent changes in money market operations (March 1997) discussed in
the next subsection were made, the Bank of England conducted open
market operations and discount window lending primarily through the
discount houses so as to affect the supply and cost of settlement
balances to the banking system.
banks in the UK must meet a daily settlement balance requirement.
They are required to maintain a positive balance in their settlement
account at the Bank of England at the end of each business day.
Unlike the current Canadian system, in the UK there is no averaging
of balances. In addition, settlement balances earn no interest.
Individual banks that face a prospective deficiency or surplus in
their end-of-day balance can transact with other money market
participants, selling or buying assets, to adjust their settlement
balance. If there is a systemwide shortage or surplus of settlement
balances, the Bank of England conducts open market operations or
lending operations to adjust the overall amount of settlement
Bank of England uses its ability to manage the supply of settlement
balances to influence short-term interest rates. The Bank of England
accomplishes this by creating a daily shortage of settlement balances
in the banking system and then supplying additional funds through
open market operations and lending operations. By controlling the
price and terms of access to these funds, the Bank can influence
money market rates. For example, under the old system used prior to
March 1997, a settlement bank wishing to obtain additional balances
could withdraw secured deposits from a discount house which could
then sell assets to the Bank of England during any one of three
regularly scheduled daily rounds of open market operations. However,
the Bank of England restricts the types of assets that it will
purchase in an open market operation and determines the rates at
which it will conduct transactions. Indeed, these "dealing
rates" for conducting open market transactions are the main
policy lever employed by the Bank of England to affect money market
rates."7 By raising or lowering these rates, the Bank influences
the marginal cost of settlement balances, pushing market rates higher
or lower.
the Bank of England implements monetary policy through its influence
on money market interest rates, it does not aim for the same degree
of control over short-term rates as in Canada. For example, the Bank
of England has no explicit target or operating band for interest
rates and conducts open market operations in a variety of short-term
maturities (King). Despite the lack of formal interest rate targets,
however, the Bank of England has been successful in operating
monetary policy without relying on reserve requirements. As
illustrated in Chart 2, the overnight rate, while quite volatile in
the short run, tends to track the Bank's dealing rate quite closely
over a longer period of time.
changes in procedures
the past few years, the Bank of England has made some important
changes to improve the efficiency of its operating procedures and to
adapt these procedures to changes in the payments system. Both types
of changes are designed to increase the liquidity of money markets.
March 1997, the Bank of England introduced major changes in its da:ly
money market operations (Bank of England 1997). Generally speaking,
these changes expand the flexibility of open market and lending
operations and are a continuation of structural changes made over the
past several years." One change is an expansion of the range of
instruments used in open market operations. Historically, discount
houses who wished to obtain funds in open market transactions were
restricted to the use of Treasury bills or certain eligible
commercial bills.19 In situations where the supply of these bills was
limited, the money market would experience liquidity pressures as
discount houses attempted to obtain bills to sell to the Bank of
liquidity pressures, at times, contributed to increased interest rate
volatility. By expanding the range of instruments used in open market
operations to include both fixed-rate and variable-rate repurchase
agreements in government securities (gilt repos), the Bank of England
aims to reduce liquidity pressures associated with the limited
availability of eligible bills.
addition to expanding the range of assets used in open market
operations, the Bank of England has also enlarged the set of
counterparties in open market operations and discount window lending.
The Bank now conducts daily open market operations with institutions
other than the discount houses and provides late-day lending
assistance directly to settlement banks. These actions are also
designed to improve the efficiency of money markets by increasing
market liquidity.
in Canada, changes in the payments system in the UK have also had
implications for monetary policy. In 1996, the UK implemented a real
time gross settlement (RTGS) payments system aimed at reducing
intraday credit exposures in the large-dollar payments system. RTGS
lowers credit risk by requiring that funds be available to cover a
transaction before a transaction is completed. Such a system can
place enormous demands on intraday liquidity, however. These demands
may be difficult to meet in a system with low reserve requirements
because the low levels of settlement balances held to meet end-ofday
requirements may be insufficient to meet intraday liquidity
requirements. As a result, the Bank of England has developed an
intraday repo facility to meet intraday credit needs (Bank of England
1994). Under this system, settlement institutions can obtain
additional settlement balances on demand during the day by engaging
in collateralized repurchase agreements with the Bank of England. No
interest is charged on these transactions, but the transactions must
be unwound by the end of the day to remove the excess liquidity prior
to end-of-day settlement.21
compared with Canada, payments system changes in the UK have had a
smaller effect on monetary policy. In Canada, as discussed above, the
move from retroactive to same-day settlement has had major
implications for operating procedures. In the UK, the introduction of
RTGS has been structured to minimize the implications for monetary
policy. In principle, the provision of intraday liquidity under RTGS
could spill over into the overnight market and affect a central
bank's ability to control overnight liquidity and influence the
overnight rate. However, the intraday facility in the UK was designed
so that the provision of intraday liquidity would not affect the Bank
of England's leverage over short-term interest rates (Dale and
Zealand is a third country that has conducted monetary policy without
reserve requirements for a number of years. As in Canada and the
United Kingdom, monetary policy operating procedures in New Zealand
are currently undergoing significant changes.
requirements were eliminated in New Zealand in the mid-1980s as part
of a set of larger policy initiatives designed to increase the
efficiency of the economy by reducing distortions caused by taxes and
government regulation (Evans and others). Thus, as in Canada and the
UK, reserve requirements in New Zealand were seen as imposing a
significant cost on financial institutions while, at the same time,
having little operational use in monetary policy.
general approach to monetary policy in New Zealand is broadly similar
to that in Canada and the UK. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand uses
its control over the supply of settlement balances to influence
interest rates and exchange rates in a manner consistent with a goal
of maintaining price stability. As compared with the other two
countries, however, New Zealand operating procedures are more
quantity-oriented and place less emphasis on the control of shortterm
interest rates.
New Zealand, the focal point of monetary policy operations is the
amount of settlement balances or "settlement cash" held at
the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (Huxford and Reddell). Most banks
choose to hold balances at the Reserve Bank in order to clear
directly transactions with the government and the Reserve Bank and to
settle interbank transactions. If a bank has a settlement account,
the Reserve Bank requires that this account have a nonnegative
balance at the end of the day. This daily balance requirement,
similar to that in the UK, gives the central bank leverage over
short-term interest rates. By controlling both the supply of
settlement balances relative to the demand and the opportunity cost
of holding these balances, the Reserve Bank can influence short-term
implement policy, the Reserve Bank uses open market operations to
achieve a target level of settlement cash balances. This target is
set so that errors in forecasting settlement balances will lead the
banking system occasionally to face a prospective shortage. In this
situation, the Reserve Bank is the only source of additional
balances. To obtain these balances, however, banks must sell a
special asset called "Reserve Bank bills" to the Reserve
Bank and pay a penalty rate for these funds.22 The combination of a
limited supply of Reserve Bank bills and the penalty rate on
additional settlement balances causes banks to attempt to fund
settlement balance deficiencies in the money market, transmitting
settlement balance pressures to market interest rates. At the same
time, the Reserve Bank pays interest on positive settlement balances
held at the end of the day. However, this rate is set sufficiently
below market rates that banks have an incentive to dispose of excess
balances in the money market, rather than relying on the Reserve
Bank's payment of interest.23
this framework, when the Reserve Bank feels that a change in monetary
policy is warranted, it can alter the settlement cash target or issue
public statements of its intentions. Thus, for example, a lowering of
the settlement cash target will increase the likelihood that banks
will face a settlement balance deficiency, placing upward pressure on
market rates. Similarly, an increase in the cash target will place
downward pressure on rates. 24 In recent years, the Reserve Bank has
also placed increased emphasis on public statements to convey its
policy intent. These statements plus the publication of the Reserve
Bank's own inflation projections and desired conditions for
short-term interest rates and exchange rates convey changes in the
stance of monetary policy to financial markets.
in Canada and the UK, ongoing institutional changes in the New
Zealand payments system have implications for monetary policy
operating procedures. In addition, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand
has recently undertaken a comprehensive review of is procedures for
implementing monetary policy. If proposed changes are adopted, the
Reserve Bank of New Zealand will move away from implementing policy
through a settlement cash target in favor of an explicit operating
band for interest rates.25
important institutional change in New Zealand is the introduction of
a real time gross settlement (RTGS) system for the large-dollar
payments system. As in the UK, adoption of RTGS in a system without
reserve requirements will increase intraday liquidity pressures. Like
the Bank of England, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand plans to respond
by introducing an intraday repurchase facility so that banks can
obtain additional funds in their settlement accounts as needed during
the day. This change is expected to prevent intraday liquidity
pressures from affecting the volatility of overnight and other
short-term rates.26
fundamental changes in monetary policy operating procedures may also
be forthcoming.2' The Reserve Bank has recently proposed replacing
much of the institutional framework used to target settlement cash
balances with a framework relying on an explicit target range for the
overnight cash rate. This proposed system has many similarities to
the new framework to be used by the Bank of Canada. The main feature
of this new system would be a target range of 20 to 50 basis points
for the overnight rate. The upper end of this range is the rate at
which the Reserve Bank would provide additional settlement balances
through repurchase agreements. The lower end of the range would be
the rate paid by the Reserve Bank on settlement balances. Monetary
policy would operate, not by targeting the amount of settlement cash
balances, but by changing the cash rate range to influence other
short-term interest rates and exchange rates. The Reserve Bank
believes that these changes are likely to increase its leverage over
short-term interest rates and the efficiency and transparency of
monetary policy operations. The Bank also feels that this new
framework provides administrative convenience in operating with a
real time settlement system.
of the principal monetary policy issues connected with reducing or
eliminating reserve requirements is whether interest rate volatility
would rise. Although previous research suggests that volatility may
be greater in countries with low or nonbinding reserve requirements,
an examination of recent interest rate volatility in Canada, the
United Kingdom, and New Zealand suggests that there is no clear
relationship between reserve requirements and volatility. Indeed, the
experience of these three countries suggests that interest rate
volatility may depend more on the mechanism for providing liquidity
to the settlement system than on the level of reserve requirements.
on volatility
of short-term interest rates is a concern to policymakers to the
extent it is transmitted to prices of longer term assets and has a
negative effect on economic activity. Volatility of short-term rates
may also complicate the ability of financial markets to discern the
stance of monetary policy. In such circumstances, central banks may
want to explore ways of reducing or limiting volatility.
that reserve requirements and interest rate volatility may be related
comes from both casual observation and empirical studies. When the
Federal Reserve cut reserve requirements at the end of 1990, for
example, the volatility of the federal funds rate rose sharply for
several weeks (Feinman). And, more recently, as sweep accounts have
further reduced reserve balances, intraday volatility in the federal
funds market appears to have risen moderately (Bennett and Hilton).
empirical studies have examined the connection between reserve
requirements and interest rate volatility by comparing volatility
across countries with different levels of reserve requirements. For
example, Kasman compared volatility of overnight rates in
Switzerland, the UK, Canada, the United States, Germany, and Japan
from 1988 to 1991. Kasman found a positive relationship between low
reserve requirements and higher volatility across these countries.
Specifically, volatility was higher in countries with low and
nonbinding reserve requirements (the UK and Switzerland) than in
countries with high levels of reserve requirements (Japan and
Germany). Kasman also noted an uptrend in volatility in Canada and
the United States, two countries where the level of reserve balances
was declining. Ayuso, Haldane, and Restoy found a similar
relationship in comparing volatility in the UK, Germany, France, and
Spain from 1988 to 1993. Both studies also found evidence that
volatility in the overnight market was transmitted to longer term
rates in some of the countries examined.
data for Canada, the UK, and New Zealand, however, suggest that the
relationship between reserve requirements and interest rate
volatility is not as clear cut. In all three countries, volatility
was higher on average than in the United States over the 1990-96
period, as shown on the left side of Chart 3. But, a closer look at
annual averages over this period shows that volatility in the three
countries dropped sharply toward the end of the period. Indeed,
during 1996, all three countries experienced lower interest rate
volatility than the United States. These results suggest that
interest rate volatility depends on factors other than reserve
requirements and indicate a need to reexamine the linkage between
reserve requirements and volatility.28
reserve requirement/volatility connection
rate volatility arises in the overnight market as institutions
attempt to meet reserve requirements or settlement balance
requirements by trying to fund account deficiencies or dispose of
account surpluses. Generally speaking, the amount of volatility
depends on two factors: the size of the surplus/shortage for the
system and the institutional mechanisms for providing or removing
liquidity from the system.29
size of a daily surplus or shortage in the settlement system depends,
in large part, on the central bank's ability to estimate settlement
bank demand for settlement balances. For example, if the central bank
underestimates the demand for settlement balances on a given day, it
will tend to supply too few balances and short-term rates will tend
to rise as institutions attempt to obtain additional balances.
level of reserve requirements may influence volatility to the extent
that it affects the central bank's ability to estimate the demand for
central bank balances. If there is no uncertainty in demand, reserve
requirements will have no implications for volatility. To see this
point, consider two regimes: one in which there is a binding reserve
requirement that must be met on a daily basis and a second in which
there is no reserve requirement but institutions must hold a
nonnegative daily settlement balance. Without uncertainty, a given
reserve deficiency will have the same implications as a settlement
balance deficiency of the same magnitude. That is, it does not matter
whether a $10 million shortage results from a $10 million reserve
deficiency that must be funded that day or a $10 million settlement
balance deficiency that must be funded that day.
demand is uncertain, however, reserve requirements may affect
volatility to the extent that they make it easier for the central
bank to forecast demand. As discussed earlier, the determinants of
the demand for reserve balances are likely to be different from the
determinants of the demand for settlement balances. Reserve
requirements may reduce volatility if they improve the central bank's
ability to forecast the size of a daily surplus or shortage of
central bank balances. Conversely, the removal of reserve
requirements could lead to increased interest rate volatility if the
central bank has more difficulty in forecasting the demand for
settlement balances.30
second factor affecting volatility is the set of mechanisms that a
central bank adopts for resolving daily deficiencies or surpluses in
central bank balances. Generally speaking, these mechanisms affect
volatility by altering the interest sensitivity of the demand for or
supply of central bank balances.
way of reducing daily liquidity pressures and lowering volatility is
to introduce averaging of balance requirements over a period of time.
Averaging reduces volatility to the extent that it allows an
institution to spread a daily surplus or deficiency over time. For
example, instead of purchasing funds in the market to fund a daily
deficiency, under averaging, an institution can offset the deficiency
by holding a surplus in the future. The implications of averaging for
volatility are illustrated in Figure 2. In the absence of averaging,
the demand for central bank balances is likely to be insensitive to
interest rates as shown by the vertical demand curve D. In contrast,
a system of averaging has the general effect of making the demand for
central bank balances more interest sensitive D'. With a flatter
demand curve, errors in forecasting demand or supply have a smaller
impact on interest rates and volatility is reduced.3' In considering
the role of averaging, it is important to recognize that averaging
can be used either with reserve requirements, as in the United
States, or without reserve requirements, as in Canada. Thus, the
benefits of averaging in reducing interest rate volatility can be
obtained independently of the existence of reserve requirements.32
rate volatility will also depend on how central banks provide
liquidity through open market operations and through discount or
lending facilities. The structure of open market and lending
facilities will determine the slope of the supply curve for central
bank balances shown in Figure 3. If restrictions are placed on the
ability of a settlement institution to access these facilities, the
supply curve will tend to be steeper S, resulting in greater interest
rate volatility for errors in forecasting the demand for balances or
nonpolicy factors affecting supply. Alternatively, if the central
bank provides or absorbs funds on demand, the price charged will set
a ceiling or floor on the overnight rate because institutions would
not be likely to borrow at a higher price or lend at a lower price
than that set by the central bank. Thus, for example, the central
bank could set a lending rate that was somewhat higher than that paid
on settlement balances, resulting in a band or corridor in which the
overnight rate would fluctuate as shown in Figure 4.33 In the
limiting case, if the central bank were to provide or absorb funds at
a single rate, the supply curve would be horizontal S', as shown in
Figure 3, and interest rate volatility would be eliminated.
framework can be used to explain some of the stylized facts about
interest rate volatility in Canada, the UK, and New Zealand described
above. Indeed, in all three countries, the observed behavior of
volatility appears to be more closely related to the mechanism for
providing liquidity than on the absence of reserve requirements.
discussed above, the elimination of reserve requirements could lead
to greater interest rate volatility if the demand for settlement
balances is more difficult to forecast than the demand for reserves.
This could be a significant factor in situations in which the central
bank must monitor a large number of institutions or, perhaps, in a
period of transition to a regime of lower reserve requirements. It is
not clear that this is an important factor in Canada, the UK, and New
Zealand, however, because of the relatively small number of
settlement institutions in these three countries.34
more important factor behind the behavior of volatility in these
three countries may be the institutional structures for providing
liquidity. The low level of volatility in Canada, for example, is
likely due to a combination of the averaging system for settlement
balances and the operating bands for the overnight rate. As discussed
earlier, in Canada, direct clearers do not have to meet a daily
settlement balance requirement but are permitted to average daily
surpluses and deficiencies over a 30-day period. This procedure has
the effect of alleviating daily liquidity pressures and reducing
volatility by making the demand for settlement balances more interest
sensitive. The use of an operating band for the overnight rate also
reduces volatility in Canada. Under the current operating procedures,
the Bank of Canada uses open market operations in the form of
repurchase agreements to provide or absorb liquidity when the
overnight rate threatens to move outside of the operating band.
rate volatility will continue to be limited under the new operating
procedures to be implemented later this year in Canada when the LVTS
system is in place. In this new framework, averaging will be
eliminated. However, volatility will be limited by the new operating
band, whose bounds will be determined by the rates at which
settlement institutions can finance endof-day deficiencies or earn
interest on settlement balances.35
in liquidity mechanisms may also explain why interest rate volatility
has been somewhat higher in the UK and New Zealand than in Canada.
Both the UK and New Zealand have daily settlement balance
requirements and do not use averaging to limit volatility. In
addition, neither country has formal interest rate operating bands.
In this environment, volatility depends largely on the terms that the
central bank sets for providing additional liquidity. As discussed
above, access to additional liquidity from the central bank in both
the United Kingdom and in New Zealand has been influenced by
restrictions on the types of assets that are acceptable to the
central bank and the supplies of these assets (UK and New Zealand) as
well as on the range of acceptable counterparties (UK). One reason
that volatility has fallen recently in both the United Kingdom and
New Zealand may be that the mechanism for providing liquidity has
become more flexible. The Bank of England has made a number of
changes in recent years to broaden the range of assets acceptable in
transactions and has expanded the range of counterparties. The
Reserve Bank of New Zealand has also undertaken institutional reforms
in the money markets aimed at relieving liquidity pressures.36 By
improving money market liquidity, these institutional changes in the
United Kingdom and New Zealand may have contributed to reduced
interest rate volatility.
experience of Canada, the United Kingdom, and New Zealand shows that
monetary policy can be conducted without the use of reserve
requirements and that interest rate volatility can be managed by
appropriate mechanisms for providing liquidity. In the United States,
a continued decline in reserve balances could result in increased
interest rate volatility. If greater interest rate volatility became
an impediment to monetary policy, the Federal Reserve would have two
policy options: take actions to restore the effectiveness of reserve
requirements or adapt to a world of lower reserve requirements by
altering liquidity mechanisms to reduce interest rate volatility.
volatility rise?
discussed in our previous article, the United States has not yet
experienced a sustained increase in interest rate volatility as
reserve balances have declined (Sellon and Weiner). Volatility rose
sharply, but only temporarily, after the Federal Reserve lowered
reserve requirements in 1990.37 And, despite the growing use of sweep
accounts, there is evidence of only a moderate increase in volatility
in recent years (Bennett and Hilton).
are two reasons for believing that volatility could rise, however, if
reserve balances continue to decline. First, the nature of balances
held by depository institutions at the Federal Reserve is gradually
changing to reflect an increased demand for payments needs rather
than reserve needs. To the extent that the demand for Federal Reserve
balances held for clearing and settlement purposes is more variable
and more difficult to forecast than the demand for reserve balances,
interest rate volatility may rise.38
second reason for expecting increased volatility results from the way
that reserve requirement averaging is currently structured in the
United States. Under current averaging procedures, a fall in reserve
balances tends to reduce the benefits of averaging. This occurs
because depository institutions are currently discouraged from having
daily account overdrafts by high fees and by administrative
counseling. As a result, a decline in reserve balances effectively
reduces the size of a reserve balance deficiency that an institution
can incur and use to offset reserve surpluses during the averaging
period. For example, an institution facing an unexpected surplus
early in the averaging period may not be able to incur enough reserve
deficiencies later in the period to offset the surplus without being
overdrawn at some point later in the period. In this situation, an
institution experiencing a large surplus has an incentive to sell
these funds rather than hold them, resulting in downward pressure on
interest rates. 39 Because of the restrictiveness of current policy
on daily overdrafts, a fall in reserve balances effectively reduces
the benefits of averaging and reduces the interest sensitivity of
reserve demand. And, as illustrated in Figure 2, a reduced interest
sensitivity of demand tends to increase interest rate volatility.
with the potential for higher interest rate volatility as reserve
balances fall, the Federal Reserve has two general strategies it
could pursue if it wishes to reduce volatility. One option is to make
regulatory changes that would stem or even reverse the erosion of
reserve balances. A second option is to adapt to a world of lower
reserve balances by making institutional changes similar to those
used in Canada, the UK, and New Zealand so as to manage interest rate
reserve requirements. As noted earlier, the recent decline in reserve
balances in the United States is largely due to banks' use of sweep
accounts designed to reduce required reserves and lower the cost of
reserve requirements. The most straightforward solution to this
problem would be for the Federal Reserve to pay interest on reserve
balances." Paying interest on reserves would offset the cost of
holding idle balances at the Federal Reserve and would reduce the
incentive to avoid reserve requirements. As a result, payment of
interest on reserves would likely stop and, perhaps, reverse the
recent erosion in reserve balances.
the Federal Reserve has long supported the payment of interest on
reserves, it does not currently have the legal authority to do so
(Feinman). Over the years, the main obstacle to payment of interest
on reserve balances has been the budgetary impact of the potential
loss of Treasury revenue. This revenue loss would occur because part
of the earnings on the Federal Reserve System's security portfolio
would be paid to depository institutions holding reserve balances
rather than being transferred to the Treasury.
paying interest on reserves, the Federal Reserve is likely to have
only limited ability to stem the erosion in reserve balances.
Conceptually, one stopgap measure might be to amend Regulation D to
prohibit the use of sweep accounts or to limit their use. If the
objective of this measure is to limit volatility, outright
prohibition may be too extreme, as it appears that monetary policy is
not impaired by the current level of reserve balances. Thus,
balancing the cost of the reserve tax on depository institutions
against monetary policy efficiency would suggest that actions to
limit further erosion of reserve balances may be preferable to
mandating higher levels.
second approach to stem the decline in reserve balances might be to
reduce the ability of depository institutions to use vault cash to
meet reserve requirements. Currently, depository institutions can use
100 percent of their vault cash to satisfy reserve requirements.
Reducing the proportion of vault cash that counts for reserve
purposes would force institutions to hold higher reserve balances at
the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has altered the eligibility
of vault cash in the past (Feinman). For example, in 1917, the
Federal Reserve removed the eligibility of vault cash to be used to
satisfy reserve requirements. Then, in 1959, the eligibility of vault
cash was restored in an attempt to lower the reserve tax to prevent
member banks from leaving the Federal Reserve System.41
both of these methods could be temporarily successful in increasing
or maintaining reserve balances, they are unlikely to provide a
permanent solution. Indeed, the recent development of sweep accounts
should not be seen as an isolated event but as merely the latest
method used by depository institutions to evade the reserve
requirement tax. Thus, without the payment of interest on reserve
balances, institutions are likely to continue to have an incentive to
invent new methods of avoiding the reserve tax and so undermine the
effectiveness of reserve requirements.
to lower reserve requirements. The other option open to the Federal
Reserve is to adapt to a world of low and declining reserve balances
by taking actions to limit increased interest rate volatility. One
way to do this is to enhance the benefits of reserve averaging. As
noted above, under the current institutional structure of reserve
requirements in the United States, lower reserve balances reduce the
interest sensitivity of reserve demand and undermine the benefits of
averaging in lowering interest rate volatility. One solution to this
problem is to expand the averaging period or the reserve carryover
provision to allow reserve deficiencies and surpluses to be spread
over a longer time span.42 A somewhat more radical approach would be
to change System policy on daily overdrafts to allow institutions the
flexibility to include end-of-day overdrafts in the averaging
process.43 In terms of the model presented above, these institutional
changes would have the effect of increasing the interest sensitivity
of reserve demand and could offset the impact of the decline in
reserve balances.
Federal Reserve could also limit interest rate volatility by altering
its procedures for supplying liquidity. One approach would be to
alter the frequency of reserve provision through open market
operations. Normally, the trading desk at the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York conducts one open market operation per day. In contrast, the
Bank of England has three regularly scheduled times at which it can
conduct open market operations during the day. This structure gives
the Bank of England flexibility in adjusting to revised estimates of
the size of the daily settlement balance need and helps reduce rate
volatility. Similarly, the Bank of Canada, under its current
operating procedures, can conduct open market operations during the
day to maintain the overnight rate within its operating band.
alternative way of increasing the flexibility of mechanisms for
supplying liquidity is to change the structure of the discount
window. Traditionally, the discount window has served as the primary
safety valve for depository institutions to adjust to reserve
imbalances. However, the stabilizing function of the discount window
has diminished in recent years as depository institutions have become
increasingly reluctant to borrow, perhaps because such borrowing from
the Federal Reserve is viewed as an indication of an institution's
financial condition. This increased reluctance to borrow means that
depository institutions are more likely to fund a reserve shortfall
in the market rather than relying on discount window borrowing.
number of reform proposals for the discount window have been advanced
over the years.' Of these proposals, the most promising way of
reducing interest rate volatility appears to be the replacement of
the current system with a Lombard-type framework, such as that used
in Germany. In this framework, the discount rate would be set at a
penalty rate and administrative restrictions on borrowing would be
removed. Interest rate volatility would be limited because
institutions would turn to the discount window to meet a system
shortage of central bank balances. In this type of system, the
discount rate would effectively set a ceiling on the overnight rate
as in Figure 4 above.45
the same time, restructuring the discount window would not limit
downward movement in the overnight rate. Thus, to reduce the range of
variation of the overnight rate, a separate liquidity absorption
mechanism would be needed either in the form of a standing offer to
purchase excess balances at a fixed rate or an explicit payment of
interest on these balances.46 The rate paid on these balances would
serve as a floor on the overnight rate, as shown in Figure 4. If the
Federal Reserve were to use both of these mechanisms, the resulting
system would be similar to the Canadian system, where a band for the
overnight rate serves to limit interest rate volatility.
sharp decline in reserve balances in the United States in recent
years has raised concerns about the effectiveness of monetary policy
in a low reserves environment. Conceptually, two monetary policy
issues arise in a system in which reserve requirements are not
binding on depository institutions. First, when the demand for
central bank balances arises from payments needs rather than from
reserve requirements, changes in the structure of the payments system
may become an important factor in the design of monetary policy
operating procedures. Second, as reserve requirements decline,
short-term interest rate volatility could increase either if the
demand for central bank balances becomes more difficult to forecast
or if the interest sensitivity of this demand is reduced.
these two issues are important conceptually, it is not clear how
important or relevant they are in practice. To assess their practical
importance, this article examined the experience of Canada, the
United Kingdom, and New Zealand, three countries that have conducted
monetary policy without reserve requirements for a number of years.
The experience of these countries underscores the connection between
the structure of the payments system and monetary policy in a world
without reserve requirements. In all three countries, recent changes
in the payments system have had implications for monetary policy
operating procedures. At the same time, however, the experience of
these three countries suggests that there need be little connection
between the absence of reserve requirements and the degree of
short-term interest rate volatility. Rather, the volatility observed
in these countries appears to depend more on institutional
arrangements for providing and absorbing liquidity than on the
absence of reserve requirements.
- If reserve balances continue to decline in the United States, short-term interest rate volatility could increase due to the declining effectiveness of current reserve averaging procedures and, perhaps, to increased difficulty in forecasting the demand for reserve and settlement balances. If rising volatility becomes a policy concern, the Federal Reserve has two options. One approach is for the Federal Reserve to pay interest on reserve balances. Paying interest on reserves would offset the cost of holding idle balances at the Federal Reserve and would reduce the incentive to avoid reserve requirements. As a result, payment of interest on reserves would likely stop and, perhaps, reverse the recent erosion in reserve balances. The second approach is to adapt to a world of low reserve balances by altering the institutional framework for providing and absorbing liquidity. If the Federal Reserve chooses this second option, it may benefit from the experience of countries that have already adapted to a world without reserve requirements.
While reserve requirements typically apply to demand or transactions
accounts, savings accounts and other short-term bank liabilities may
also be subject to reserve requirements. In the United States, the
basic structure of reserve requirements is set out in the Monetary
Control Act of 1980, and the Federal Reserve's authority to adjust
reserve requirements is limited by this legislation. Depository
institutions in the United States currently face a 10 percent reserve
requirement on transactions account balances in excess of $49.3
million and a 3 percent requirement on transactions balances of $0 to
$49.3 million. There is an exemption for smaller institutions set out
in the Gam-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 that
limits the amount of transactions balances subject to the 3 percent
requirement. Currently, there are no reserve requirements on
nonpersonal time deposits or eurocurrency liabilities.
In the United States, reserves are maintained over a two-week period
based on the level of transactions deposits also averaged over a
two-week period. Additionally, in the United States, depository
institutions are allowed to carry over part of a reserve deficiency
or surplus into the next maintenance period.
In a "sweep" arrangement, funds are automatically
from reservable deposit accounts, such as demand deposits and other
checkable deposits, to nonreservable accounts, such as money market
deposit accounts. Such a transfer lowers the deposit base for the
calculation of reserve requirements. The use of sweep accounts by
banks began modestly in 1994 but has increased considerably since the
spring of 1995.
In both systems, the demand for central bank balances will also be
influenced by the opportunity cost of holding these balances. This
opportunity cost is influenced both by alternative earning
opportunities for central bank balances and by price incentives set
by the central bank for balance excesses and deficiencies. For
further discussion, see Clinton (1997).
In the United States, as required reserve balances have fallen, many
depository institutions have found that their remaining reserve
balances at the Federal Reserve are no longer sufficient for handling
payments needs. As a result, many institutions have increased their
holding of so-called "clearing balances" to handle their
payments needs (Sellon and Weiner). However, unlike reserve balances,
which depend on the level of deposits, the demand for clearing
balances depends on an institution's use of Federal Reserve
services (Stevens). As a result, this demand is likely to be
behaviorally different from the demand for reserves.
Another example is the shift by many countries from payments systems
based on net settlement to real time gross settlement systems. In net
settlement systems, interbank settlement is generally made on a net
basis at the end of a business day. In a real time gross settlement
system, each transaction is settled separately during the day. Thus,
net settlement systems generally require that institutions hold
smaller balances than in gross settlement systems. As a result, a
change in the method of settlement of interbank transactions may
affect the demand for settlement balances.
Formally, the Bank of Canada uses a "monetary conditions index"
(MCI) as their operational target. The MCI is a combination of a
short-term interest rate and the exchange rate; for details, see
The central bank must also be able to forecast nonpolicy factors
affecting the supply of settlement balances. For further discussion,
see Sellon and Weiner.
Prior to the elimination of reserve requirements, the Bank of Canada
limited access to lending by administrative restrictions similar to
those applying to use of the Federal Reserve's discount window.
Borrowing was also discouraged by a rising marginal cost based on the
frequency of borrowing. With the elimination of reserve requirements,
administrative restrictions were removed and borrowing from the Bank
of Canada is now based purely on cost considerations.
Because institutions pay the Bank Rate on a daily deficit and then
must hold an offsetting positive balance later in the averaging
period, the cost of an overdraft is approximately twice the Bank
For more discussion of these operations, see Clinton and Fettig.
Such a transfer of government balances, termed the
"drawdown/redeposit mechanism," is performed at the end of
the day and, by itself, would not be sufficient to keep the overnight
rate within the operating band during the day.
For more details, see Clinton (1991).
Some small-dollar, paper-based transactions will continue to settle
retroactively. For discussion, see Bank of Canada.
Repurchase agreements will be used as a means of indicating a target
rate within the operating band. For more details, see Clinton (1997).
In anticipation of moving to the new framework, in February 1996, the
Bank of Canada set the Bank Rate at the upper limit of the current
operating range for the overnight rate. Previously, the Bank Rate was
tied to the 3-month Treasury bill rate.
Dealing rates for eligible bills are established for four maturity
bands ranging from 1-14 days to 64-91 days.
Liquidity strains following the ERM crisis in 1992 caused the Bank of
England to evaluate its methods for providing money market liquidity
Eligible bills are commercial bills of exchange accepted by a bank
whose acceptances are eligible for discount at the Bank of England.
For more details, see Bank of England (1997).
In addition, under the new arrangements,ns, the Bank of England
operates over a narrower range of maturities and, on average, at a
shorter maturity.
This type of intraday repurchase facility is less necessary in Canada
because the LVTS is a net settlement system and so requires less
intraday liquidity.
Reserve Bank bills are discount securities, similar to Treasury
bills, issued by the Reserve Bank. Their sole purpose is to be used
in transactions with the Reserve Bank. These bills have an original
maturity of 63 days and can be discounted on demand at the Reserve
Bank to obtain settlement cash if they have 28 or fewer remaining
days to maturity. The rate on these transactions is reset daily at a
penalty margin of 90 basis points above market rates for other
short-term securities. For more details, see Huxford and Reddell.
The settlement cash rate is set daily at a margin 300 basis points
below the seven-day cash rate. Interest is paid only on the first $20
million in each bank's settlement account. This restriction was put
in place to reduce interest rate volatility and to prevent banks from
attempting to manipulate short-term rates by accumulating a large
settlement cash position and forcing competitors to resort to the
discount window.
The Reserve Bank can also change monetary policy by altering the
supply of Reserve Bank bills, the penalty margin, or the rate paid on
settlement cash. For more details, see Huxford and Reddell.
For a discussion of these changes, see Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
For a detailed discussion of the payments system changes in New
Zealand and associated changes in monetary policy operations, see
As this article was being prepared, the Reserve Bank had published a
discussion paper outlining possible changes but had not taken action
on this proposal.
While a comparison of volatility across countries is illustrative, it
can mask country-specific factors. For example, some of the
volatility early in the period in the Canadian overnight rate
probably reflects the fact that the Bank of Canada, at that time, was
focusing more on the 3-month rate than on the overnight rate.
Similarly, the Bank of England has traditionally influenced rates at
a variety of short-term maturities rather than focusing exclusively
on the overnight rate. In addition, all three countries are open
economies where exchange rate stability may be as important as
interest rate volatility. In some instances, greater interest rate
volatility may result from attempts to reduce exchange rate
variability. Also, changes in volatility may result from changes in
the institutional structure of financial markets. For example, the
decline in volatility in the UK in 1996 coincides with the
introduction of an open gilt repo market which may have made it
easier for institutions without bill holdings to redistribute
liquidity among themselves. Nevertheless, the recent low level of
volatility in the overnight rate in all three countries is noteworthy
in countering the claim that low reserve requirements are associated
with higher interest rate volatility.
Independent of the size of a system surplus or shortage, volatility
may also depend partly on the distribution of settlement balances
among settlement banks and on the existence of market power exerted
by institutions. A discussion of these issues is beyond the scope of
this article.
Note that the relevance of this effect is an empirical issue whose
importance may vary by country depending on the institutional
structure of the settlement system.
In practice, the effect of averaging on demand is likely to be
considerably more complicated than shown in this figure. For example,
on the last day of an averaging period, there may be no further
opportunity to carry forward surpluses or deficiencies so that the
demand curve is vertical. Also, institutions may find it difficult to
work off large imbalances occurring early in the period so that the
benefits of averaging are attenuated. For a discussion of these and
related issues, see Borio.
This point is sometimes unclear in discussions of reserve
requirements and volatility where a comparison is made
a system of positive reserve requirements with averaging and a system
of zero reserve requirements without averaging. Volatility may be
lower in the first system, not because of the existence of reserve
requirements, but because of averaging. The central bank's policies
with regard to end-of-day overdrafts may also affect volatility. It
should be noted that to implement averaging in a system without
reserve requirements, the central bank must permit end-of-day
overdrafts (collateralized) in order for there to be something to be
averaged over time. For a more detailed discussion of averaging, see
How the overnight rate would be determined within this band is
difficult to illustrate as it would depend on institutional factors,
such as the distribution of settlement balances among settlement
banks and central bank operations to provide or absorb liquidity
during the day.
Canada has 12 bank and nonbank direct clearers, the UK has 15
clearing banks, and New Zealand has 11 banks with settlement accounts
at the Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
Then, as now, clearing institutions will have a strong incentive to
target a zero settlement balance.
In 1991, several changes were made to improve the functioning of the
interbank market. These changes included a decrease in the size of
the discount margin, an increase in the supply of Reserve Bank bills
coupled with a reduction in their initial term to maturity, a
reduction in the cash target, and other institutional changes.
In December 1990, the Federal Reserve eliminated the 3 percent
reserve requirement on nontransaction accounts, an action which
reduced required reserves by about one-third (Feinman).
Clouse and Elmendorf provide some evidence that the variability of
shocks to balances held only for clearing and settlement purposes may
be greater than the variability of shocks to required operating
balances (required reserve balances and required clearing balances).
As discussed in our previous article, one likely reason interest rate
volatility has not increased as required reserve balances have
declined is that some depository institutions have established
required clearing balances as a partial offset. However, future
growth of these accounts is likely to be limited by their structure.
Clearing accounts pay implicit interest in the form of offsets to the
cost of Federal Reserve payments services and, hence, are primarily
attractive to those institutions who make extensive use of these
services. However, many institutions appear to have reached the
maximum size of clearing balances warranted by their use
Federal Reserve services (Bennett and Hilton). In addition,
institutions who do not use Federal Reserve services are unlikely to
open clearing accounts to offset a decline in reserve balances.
Similarly, with low reserve balances an institution is more likely to
face the possibility of a daily overdraft and so is more likely to
seek to fund an actual or prospective deficiency by bidding for funds
that day.
For additional discussion of issues connected with paying interest on
reserves, see Weiner (1985) and Hilton, Gerdts, and Robinson. It
should be noted some analysts have argued that, even with payment of
interest on reserves, a system of positive reserve requirements may
be less efficient than a system without reserve requirements (King).
Membership in the Federal Reserve System has always been voluntary
for state-chartered banks. Prior to the passage of the Monetary
Control Act of 1980, only member banks were subject to reserve
requirements. Thus, state-chartered member banks could avoid the
reserve requirement tax by giving up their Federal Reserve membership
and did so in increasing numbers in the 1970s. Many national banks
also switched to state charters in order to avoid reserve
requirements. The Monetary Control Act ended this practice by making
all depository institutions subject to reserve requirements
regardless of membership status.
For a detailed discussion of the pros and cons of this approach, see
Meulendyke and Tulpan.
As discussed above, under current procedures, institutions with a
surplus position early in a reserve maintenance position have an
incentive to sell these reserves rather than hold them. This
incentive occurs because the ability to offset the surplus later in
the averaging period is limited by their ability to incur reserve
deficiencies and the amount of these deficiencies has been reduced by
the decline in reserve balances. Permitting daily overdrafts would
allow the institution to incur larger deficiencies later in the
averaging period to offset the surplus. For a more detailed
discussion of this alternative, see Anderson and Riela.
For a detailed discussion of these alternatives, see Wenninger.
Even with the removal of administrative restrictions on borrowing, a
reluctance to borrow from the Federal Reserve could still be a
problem in this system. With a reluctance to borrow, while the
discount window might limit volatility, the discount rate would not
cap overnight rates since some institutions would be willing to pay a
higher price for balances obtained in the market. Some additional
potential complications to the use of a Lombard facility should also
be noted. One issue is whether all administrative restrictions, even
for troubled institutions, could or should be removed. There are also
logistical questions in a country with as many depository
institutions as the United States.
Either of these options would likely require legislative
Donald, and Gina Riela. 1993. "Collateralized Overnight
Overdrafts," Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Reduced Reserve
Requirements: Alternatives for the Conduct of Monetary Policy and
Reserve Management, April, pp. 239-48.
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Paper 9403. Bank of England. 1997. Reform of the Bank of England's
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Development of a UK RealTime Gross Settlement System," Bank of
England Quarterly Bulletin, May, pp. 163-68. Bindseil, Ulrich. 1997.
"Reserve Requirements and Economic Stabilization," Deutsche
Bundesbank, Economic
Group, Discussion Paper 1/97, January. Borio, Claudio E.V. 1997.
"Monetary Policy Operating Procedures in Industrialized
Countries," Bank for International Settlements, Working Paper
40, March. Bank of Canada. 1996. "A Proposed Framework for the
Implementation of Monetary Policy in the Large Value Transfer System
Environment," Discussion Paper 2, Ottawa, March.
of Japan. 1995. "Reserve Requirement Systems and Their Recent
Reforms in Major Industrialized Countries: A Comparative
Perspective," Quarterly Bulletin, May, pp. 54-75.
Paul, and Spence Hilton. 1997. "Falling Reserve Balances and the
Federal Funds Rate," Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Current
Issues in Economics and
Kevin. 1997. "Implementation of Monetary Policy in a Regime with
Zero Reserve Requirements," Bank of Canada, Working Paper 97-8,
April. . 1991. "Bank of Canada Cash Management: the Main
Technique for Implementing Monetary Policy," Bank of Canada,
Bank of Canada Review, January. Reprinted in Bank of Canada, The
Transmission of Monetary Policy in Canada, 1996, pp. 36-49. and Kevin
Fettig. 1989. "Buy-back Techniques in the Conduct of Monetary
Policy," Bank of Canada Review, July. Reprinted in Bank of
Canada, The Transmission of Monetary Policy in Canada, 1996, pp.
James, and Douglas Elmendorf. 1997. "Declining Required Reserves
and the Volatility of the Federal Funds Rate." Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Mimeo. June.
Spencer, and Marco Rossi. 1996. "A Market for Intra-day Funds:
Does It Have Implications for Monetary Policy?" Bank of England,
Working Paper no. 46, March.
Lewis, Arthur Grimes, and Bryce Wilkinson with David Teece.1996.
"Economic Reform in New Zealand 1985-95: the Pursuit of
Efficiency," Journal of Economic Literature, December, pp.
1856-1902. Feinman, Joshua N. 1993. "Reserve Requirements:
History, Current Practice, and Potential Reform," Federal
Reserve Bulletin, June, pp. 569-89. Freedman, Charles. 1996. "The
Use of Indicators and of the Monetary Conditions Index in Canada,"
The Transmission of Monetary Policy in Canada, Bank of Canada, pp.
Spence, Ari Cohen, and Roxann Robinson. 1993.
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and Reserve Management, April, pp. 63-108.
Julie, and Michael Reddell. 1996. "Implementing Monetary Policy
in New Zealand," Reserve Bank of New Zealand, Reserve Bank
Bulletin, December. Kasman, Bruce. 1993. "A Comparison of
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for the Conduct of Monetary Policy and Reserve Management, April, pp.
15-62. King, Mervyn. 1994. "Monetary Policy Instruments: The UK
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Ann-Marie, and Ted Tulpan. 1993. "Expanded Reserve Maintenance
Periods and Increased Carryover Limits," Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, Reduced Reserve Requirements: Alternatives for the Conduct
of Monetary Policy and Reserve Management, April, pp. 169-206.
Bruce. 1995. "The Implementation of Monetary Policy in Canada,"
Canadian Public Policy, March. Reprinted in Bank of Canada, The
Transmission of Monetary Policy in Canada, 1996, pp. 19-33. Reserve
Bank of New Zealand. 1997. Monetary Policy
and Signaling, Discussion Document, March.
Gordon H., and Stuart E. Weiner. 1996. "Monetary Policy Without
Reserve Requirements: Analytical Issues," Federal Reserve Bank
of Kansas City, Economic Review, Fourth Quarter, pp. 5-24. Stevens,
E. J. 1993. "Required Clearing Balances," Federal Reserve
Bank of Cleveland, Economic Review, Fourth Quarter, pp. 2-14.
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Second Quarter 1997
by ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights Reserved
John. 1995. "Monetary Policy and Liquidity Management After the
Introduction of Real Time Gross Settlement," Reserve Bank of New
Zealand, Reserve Bank Bulletin, December.
Stuart E. 1992. "The Changing Role of Reserve
in Monetary Policy," Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City,
Economic Review, Fourth Quarter, pp. 45-63.
1985. "Payment of Interest on Reserves," Federal Reserve
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John. 1993. "Alternative Approaches to Discount Window Lending,"
Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Reduced Reserve Requirements:
Alternatives for the Conduct of Monetary Policy and Reserve
Management, April, pp. 137-68.
H. Sellon, Jr is an assistant vice president and economist at the
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Stuart E. Weiner is a vice
president and economist at the bank. The authors would like to thank
Roger Clews, Kevin Clinton, and Michael Reddell for helpful
discussions in the course of the preparation of this article. Stephen
Monto, an assistant economist at the bank, helped prepare the
article. The views expressed herein are solely those of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Kansas City or the Federal Reserve System.
Reserve Bank of Kansas City Second Quarter 1997
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