(Note: Headings are done by the editors, not the writer, and text is often edited by editors, as is their normal practice)
My letters to the editor began several years before the GFC as I step by step walked people through it, or at least those that bothered to read them.
So am I a genius? No! I am not because if you take the time read the information my articles contained you will realise this is a very predictable predatory lending pyramid scam that repeats over and over again with apparently none of our so-called public representatives wanting to do a thing about it?
Published Taranaki Daily News 30-11-2018
Where does the money come from?
Johnathan Young said on 26 November the Government has 'painted itself into a corner' announcing a poorly planned transition away from fossil fuel energy.
He often says we have no economically viable alternatives.
I defend neither on this front but attack both on their ideologically based statements New Zealand is dependent upon foreign borrowings to underwrite the rollout of new energy technology or any infrastructure for that matter.
Since the 2008 global financial crisis, things being kept very quiet about the fundamentals of money and global money system funding structures have become of interest again.
Financial institutions external of New Zealand were exposed as pyramid fraudsters having to admit the abuse of some very extraordinary contracts they have with our government.
The misunderstanding they are most happy to have continued is that the private banks fully fund their loans with someones hard earned savings rather than simply typing the credit into their digital vaults when making the loan as they do.
The interest charged is supposed to cover their cost of business and fair remuneration for expertise of balancing credit with human and natural resource capital over the long term. The principal is deleted from existence at repayment.
Private owned banks have cooked the books for criminal gains so often even the IMF chief executive said last week governments have every right to rescind their contracts and take back in-house the issuance and accountancy of base money.
It 's easy to prove both National and the Government know this.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News
Heading given by the Editor. As is generally accepted standard practice at present.
In hindsight my finishing sentence would better have read ' cycle of mutual cooperation within society'
Growing divide
All farmers are selfish buggers and all townies are lazy buggers seems to be the sentiment of a growing urban v rural divide.
Most of our European ancestors arrived in Aotearoa/New Zealand seeking escape from indignant peasant tenant caste class systems of old world Europe. The Maori of the lower class tribes were suffering the same at the hands of their own at the time they signed the Treaty of Waitangi thinking it would bring them also a fairer more dignified social system.
Our ancestors envisaged a more equal economic opportunity system in which the farmers could grow produce and sell at a fair price to townies that came out to help build the necessity of life infrastructure of the nation who, in turn, would be paid a fair wage to give them purchasing power from income to do so.
What has broken that relationship down?
British colonial heritage of an entirely private profit loan based, entirely interest bearing money system we are still suffering, allows the parasites to park in the middle of every deal made between citizens and businesses of honest enterprise. They bring nothing of "real" value to the deals yet gain so much from interest charges upon the deals that it enables them to reach the status of old-fashioned slave masters within our economy.
It reduces most everyone else to a dogfight to stave off bankruptcy unsympathetic to each other or nature.
That is what is breaking down the fair cycle of giving relationship within society.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News
Matter of Trade
It's scary many people think newspaper columns are always verified as factual truth. John Sargent's offering in regards the notion that a debt is a debt is a debt, the repayment of which should be attempted without verification of the creditworthiness of the lender as much as the borrower, shows his absolute lack of knowledge of the essence of money as a system.
Essence of money as invented is simple. To improve upon barter or trade as a system of gaining goods or services. Traders that had things they couldn't swap on the spot, came up with a system in which they bestowed an agreed value of deferred purchasing power (credit) into a token of exchange (currency) in order that traders could walk away with their half of a swap at the time, while others could purchase to receive their half of the deal at a later date.
If a trader can con another into accepting their credit and currency in exchange for real things, knowing the physical means doesn't exist for the other trader to ever collect upon the purchasing power promise they received, a counterfeit credit fraud has occurred.
The more traders in a money system the more complicated keeping track of credit vs natural resource collateral becomes.
In the Western world, including New Zealand, credit and currency has been contracted out to the private banks. Society must be ever vigilant that rogues among banking do not try to monopolise your economy for free.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News
What's cooking?
Thank you National for delivering Taranaki roading and infrastructure projects. No matter what party you support, there are things obviously needed and undeniably good for wider society, no matter who does it. Those get displayed in the shop front window by those that do them.
So am I a genius? No! I am not because if you take the time read the information my articles contained you will realise this is a very predictable predatory lending pyramid scam that repeats over and over again with apparently none of our so-called public representatives wanting to do a thing about it?
Published Taranaki Daily News 30-11-2018
Where does the money come from?
Johnathan Young said on 26 November the Government has 'painted itself into a corner' announcing a poorly planned transition away from fossil fuel energy.
He often says we have no economically viable alternatives.
I defend neither on this front but attack both on their ideologically based statements New Zealand is dependent upon foreign borrowings to underwrite the rollout of new energy technology or any infrastructure for that matter.
Since the 2008 global financial crisis, things being kept very quiet about the fundamentals of money and global money system funding structures have become of interest again.
Financial institutions external of New Zealand were exposed as pyramid fraudsters having to admit the abuse of some very extraordinary contracts they have with our government.
The misunderstanding they are most happy to have continued is that the private banks fully fund their loans with someones hard earned savings rather than simply typing the credit into their digital vaults when making the loan as they do.
The interest charged is supposed to cover their cost of business and fair remuneration for expertise of balancing credit with human and natural resource capital over the long term. The principal is deleted from existence at repayment.
Private owned banks have cooked the books for criminal gains so often even the IMF chief executive said last week governments have every right to rescind their contracts and take back in-house the issuance and accountancy of base money.
It 's easy to prove both National and the Government know this.
Iain Parker
Published in Taranaki Daily News
Wednesday 21st Oct 2015
Concerns Ignored.
Concerns Ignored.
Jonathan Young in this column attempted highlighting Labour Party Grant Robertson's inaccuracy of economic matters (TDN, letters, October 13).
I agree Robertson lacks knowledge of colonial era money system funding structure shortcomings we still suffer. Which is sad given Labour's seemingly forgotten long history of advocating for reform of those shortcomings.
But there is a big difference in not saying things because you don't know of them, than deliberately leaving out something you know makes you look bad.
Shift roster enabled me to attend Jonathan Young hosted Property Development Rules Reduction Task Force meeting in New Plymouth 10.30am 8 May 2015.
I wanted to present evidence that credit bubbles within our economy are pushing up prices in many sectors as they struggle to meet interest repayment demands. Jonathan said I was outside the terms of reference. But Chairperson Connal Townsend, CEO of the New Zealand Commercial Property Council became very interested when hearing I had a Government OIA reply stating the land portion of property had been removed from the official inflation measure system from 1999 onwards.
When I read out the OIA the 15 odd people present will be able to vouch, that Connal Townsend exclaimed loudly "oh my gosh" as he clicked straight away what this had allowed the banking sector to do to the nation.
He said it is definitely something worthy of deeper investigation.
The Rules Reduction Task Force Report was released on 22 Sept 2015 with no mention of my submission or the concerns its evidence raised.
Iain Parker
Iain Parker
Published Taranaki Daily News
17 - 6 – 2015
No need to wait and see.
No need to wait and see.
HELP! New Zealand is in danger of full blown financial invasion by people of questionable financial advantages. Thursdays Editorial headline “Wait and see on bond gamble” relating too the Governments proposal of direct private investor debt bond funding of government institutions. Implying it's a new thing with unknown outcomes.
This shows the laziness that has infected New Zealand media and political circles who have such an influence over our economy remaining a fair go for as many as possible.
We don't have to “wait and see” what the impact will be. Our economy has been partly foreign private investor debt bond funded from 1833 unto 1933. Then entirely after that. When the patriotically named, but very foreign private bank controlled Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) was opened.
New Zealand was reduced to one single central currency that the RBNZ became the 'go between' for it being obtained by domestic lending institutions entirely as interest bearing loans from larger foreign banks. Today every New Zealand dollar can be traced to being originated this crazy colonial era debt bond funding way.
The result. Chronic ongoing current account deficits since 1833. Repeated bankruptcy receivership's and public asset sales. Government, councils, farmers, individuals, sports clubs etc etc, slowly but surely, cant make ends meet. As foreign private owned bank interest sucks the lifeblood out of the nation.
Slowly but surely entities related to those foreign banks are monopolising our economy by being the only ones with purchasing power to spare. Its a rort.
This shows the laziness that has infected New Zealand media and political circles who have such an influence over our economy remaining a fair go for as many as possible.
We don't have to “wait and see” what the impact will be. Our economy has been partly foreign private investor debt bond funded from 1833 unto 1933. Then entirely after that. When the patriotically named, but very foreign private bank controlled Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) was opened.
New Zealand was reduced to one single central currency that the RBNZ became the 'go between' for it being obtained by domestic lending institutions entirely as interest bearing loans from larger foreign banks. Today every New Zealand dollar can be traced to being originated this crazy colonial era debt bond funding way.
The result. Chronic ongoing current account deficits since 1833. Repeated bankruptcy receivership's and public asset sales. Government, councils, farmers, individuals, sports clubs etc etc, slowly but surely, cant make ends meet. As foreign private owned bank interest sucks the lifeblood out of the nation.
Slowly but surely entities related to those foreign banks are monopolising our economy by being the only ones with purchasing power to spare. Its a rort.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News
Heading given by the Editor. As is generally accepted standard practice at present.
In hindsight my finishing sentence would better have read ' cycle of mutual cooperation within society'
Growing divide
All farmers are selfish buggers and all townies are lazy buggers seems to be the sentiment of a growing urban v rural divide.
Most of our European ancestors arrived in Aotearoa/New Zealand seeking escape from indignant peasant tenant caste class systems of old world Europe. The Maori of the lower class tribes were suffering the same at the hands of their own at the time they signed the Treaty of Waitangi thinking it would bring them also a fairer more dignified social system.
Our ancestors envisaged a more equal economic opportunity system in which the farmers could grow produce and sell at a fair price to townies that came out to help build the necessity of life infrastructure of the nation who, in turn, would be paid a fair wage to give them purchasing power from income to do so.
What has broken that relationship down?
British colonial heritage of an entirely private profit loan based, entirely interest bearing money system we are still suffering, allows the parasites to park in the middle of every deal made between citizens and businesses of honest enterprise. They bring nothing of "real" value to the deals yet gain so much from interest charges upon the deals that it enables them to reach the status of old-fashioned slave masters within our economy.
It reduces most everyone else to a dogfight to stave off bankruptcy unsympathetic to each other or nature.
That is what is breaking down the fair cycle of giving relationship within society.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News
Matter of Trade
It's scary many people think newspaper columns are always verified as factual truth. John Sargent's offering in regards the notion that a debt is a debt is a debt, the repayment of which should be attempted without verification of the creditworthiness of the lender as much as the borrower, shows his absolute lack of knowledge of the essence of money as a system.
Essence of money as invented is simple. To improve upon barter or trade as a system of gaining goods or services. Traders that had things they couldn't swap on the spot, came up with a system in which they bestowed an agreed value of deferred purchasing power (credit) into a token of exchange (currency) in order that traders could walk away with their half of a swap at the time, while others could purchase to receive their half of the deal at a later date.
If a trader can con another into accepting their credit and currency in exchange for real things, knowing the physical means doesn't exist for the other trader to ever collect upon the purchasing power promise they received, a counterfeit credit fraud has occurred.
The more traders in a money system the more complicated keeping track of credit vs natural resource collateral becomes.
In the Western world, including New Zealand, credit and currency has been contracted out to the private banks. Society must be ever vigilant that rogues among banking do not try to monopolise your economy for free.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News
What's cooking?
Thank you National for delivering Taranaki roading and infrastructure projects. No matter what party you support, there are things obviously needed and undeniably good for wider society, no matter who does it. Those get displayed in the shop front window by those that do them.
Unfortunately more often than not its what's getting cooked up in the back room that has greatest detrimental impact upon wider society.
We were told three decades ago that private profit motive ownership of every aspect of the economy was for the best. Absentee foreign ownership of our land and companies held no worries. Our versatility need not be maintained as no-one within nations that share our values would exploit our vulnerabilities.
The 2008 global counterfeiting credit fraud crisis put paid to that theory. Its widely recognised that there are large amounts of proceeds of those crimes still circulating. Many nations are moving to protect the honest members of their economies from those that dishonestly gained their capital advantages.
John Key spent 20 years in predatory global high finance. I ask those who thought he would bring back his knowledge to be a security guard for New Zealand families, that given his staunch no back down on the absentee foreign ownership of land and companies issue, are they still confident he has turned his back on his Wall Street friends?
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News
Cut out middlemen
I refer to concerns about foreign absentee ownership of New Zealand primary-production economic land base. New Zealand financial system legislation speaks clearly for itself in that every unit of our currency can be traced back to originating somewhere as interest-bearing loans that our domestic-based lenders have refinanced with foreign lenders.
Presently our GDP is entirely foreign-interest-bearing-loan underwritten which means more income from earnings always leaves the nation via interest and dividends than remains leading to collective bankruptcy.
The value of our natural resource collateral is typed into the account of foreign lenders, that then give it back as interest bearing loans for currency. Due to this fact our entire economy is presently essentially foreign-absentee-owned already.
If heavily indebted you are managing the foreign lenders assets more for them than yourself. If you manage to repay your debts the interest has given the foreign lender that level of purchasing power in our economy, leading to ever increasing dominance of the basic needs of it. I would question the reasoning of displaying on New Zealand land the signage of any political party that condones the British colonial-heritage, private, central-banking financial system we still suffer? Why not cut out the foreign financial middlemen?
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News
Banking lies
Another bunkum budget. High level admissions since 2008 global financial system crisis exposed the lies that were told to build one of the greatest pyramid frauds in history. Much on the record documentation in New Zealand legislation proves the lies were swallowed and regurgitated upon its citizens and businesses of honest enterprise. For budgets to now continue current lines of funding and liabilities from institutions that have clearly 'cooked the books' to gain excessive interest proceeds of crime and instead squeeze citizens - is a bizarre sick joke ignoring the elephant in the room;
The Bank of England one of the senior most international financial institutions made this amazing - amazing historical admission in its March 2014 quarterly bulletin - that what they tell government officials about how the private central banking network funds itself has been a lie;
“viewing banks simply as intermediaries ignores the fact that, in reality in the modern economy, commercial banks are the creators of deposit money. This article explains how, rather than banks lending out deposits that are placed with them, the act of lending creates deposits — the reverse of the sequence typically described in textbooks. In reality, neither are reserves a binding constraint on lending, nor does the central bank fix the amount of reserves that are available. As with the relationship between deposits and loans, the relationship between reserves and loans typically operates in the reverse way to that described in some economics textbooks.”
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News
We were told three decades ago that private profit motive ownership of every aspect of the economy was for the best. Absentee foreign ownership of our land and companies held no worries. Our versatility need not be maintained as no-one within nations that share our values would exploit our vulnerabilities.
The 2008 global counterfeiting credit fraud crisis put paid to that theory. Its widely recognised that there are large amounts of proceeds of those crimes still circulating. Many nations are moving to protect the honest members of their economies from those that dishonestly gained their capital advantages.
John Key spent 20 years in predatory global high finance. I ask those who thought he would bring back his knowledge to be a security guard for New Zealand families, that given his staunch no back down on the absentee foreign ownership of land and companies issue, are they still confident he has turned his back on his Wall Street friends?
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News
Cut out middlemen
I refer to concerns about foreign absentee ownership of New Zealand primary-production economic land base. New Zealand financial system legislation speaks clearly for itself in that every unit of our currency can be traced back to originating somewhere as interest-bearing loans that our domestic-based lenders have refinanced with foreign lenders.
Presently our GDP is entirely foreign-interest-bearing-loan underwritten which means more income from earnings always leaves the nation via interest and dividends than remains leading to collective bankruptcy.
The value of our natural resource collateral is typed into the account of foreign lenders, that then give it back as interest bearing loans for currency. Due to this fact our entire economy is presently essentially foreign-absentee-owned already.
If heavily indebted you are managing the foreign lenders assets more for them than yourself. If you manage to repay your debts the interest has given the foreign lender that level of purchasing power in our economy, leading to ever increasing dominance of the basic needs of it. I would question the reasoning of displaying on New Zealand land the signage of any political party that condones the British colonial-heritage, private, central-banking financial system we still suffer? Why not cut out the foreign financial middlemen?
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News
Banking lies
Another bunkum budget. High level admissions since 2008 global financial system crisis exposed the lies that were told to build one of the greatest pyramid frauds in history. Much on the record documentation in New Zealand legislation proves the lies were swallowed and regurgitated upon its citizens and businesses of honest enterprise. For budgets to now continue current lines of funding and liabilities from institutions that have clearly 'cooked the books' to gain excessive interest proceeds of crime and instead squeeze citizens - is a bizarre sick joke ignoring the elephant in the room;
The Bank of England one of the senior most international financial institutions made this amazing - amazing historical admission in its March 2014 quarterly bulletin - that what they tell government officials about how the private central banking network funds itself has been a lie;
“viewing banks simply as intermediaries ignores the fact that, in reality in the modern economy, commercial banks are the creators of deposit money. This article explains how, rather than banks lending out deposits that are placed with them, the act of lending creates deposits — the reverse of the sequence typically described in textbooks. In reality, neither are reserves a binding constraint on lending, nor does the central bank fix the amount of reserves that are available. As with the relationship between deposits and loans, the relationship between reserves and loans typically operates in the reverse way to that described in some economics textbooks.”
Iain Parker
Money System
People may have observed me trying to bring attention to the way our money system currently works and the shortcomings of the currency circulating in it, all originating somewhere in the economy as interest-bearing loans owed to private-lending institutions.
In recent times Hawera lady Kiri Campbell has been going through the courts claiming her actions are attempting to shine light on the same matter. She has aligned with groups such as One Peoples Public Trust and 1834 Northern Maori Declaration of Independence. In my view all are bringing into disrepute the reform of our entirely private loan-based money system.
OPPT excludes those that don't want God as the owner of the public trust that they want us all to be beneficiaries of and have a very anarchist approach that will get naive people into trouble.
1834 Northern Maori Declaration of Independence was very much about Nga Puhi attempting to preserve their elitist position of economic privilege. With the later 1840 Treaty of Waitangi being signed by more lower-class Iwi looking to free themselves from their own - by importing the fledgling European system of democracy – not realising it came with a financial Trojan horse that steals from all outsiders of it.
Listening to Kiri Campbell's radio interview with OPPT, I suggest she realise that even within an honest money system with non interest-bearing primary currency base, nothing comes absolutely for free.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News
Cheap Money
Interesting times, Gordon Brown(All the wowser whining is a load of pathetic piffle, May 18) claims former investment banker John Key was the politician living in the 'real world' when it came to the alternative loan arrangement for SkyCity to build a $420 million convention centre in Auckland to be repaid out of an indirect gambling tax, as they were the “only one with the cash.”
Apart from recent statements from the very highest levels of the international supply side of money about just how illusory that world is, I wager that SkyCity tendered the job factoring in an interest rate they, just like our domestic trading banks do, knew they could refinance at a cheaper rate with the international money as debt “wholesalers”.
International trading bank lisence-holding “money wholesalers” have extraordinary privileges of receiving fees and interest upon a money system that is a ledger-entry accountancy system of credit contracts of the future exchange of goods and services, of which “money” is a costless token of exchange transferred to complete and clear the credit contract.
For any money system to remain honest those administering it must ensure that the authorised contracts of credit dont exceed the ability of real resources to clear them; even more important under the entirely interest bearing, private-institution-loan-based money supply system New Zealand politicians have absurdly contracted us to.
Especially when those institutions, in pursuit of short-term profit, have been proven to have issued us, and many other nations, more credit contracts than the “real” economy could ever clear.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News
Lead letter titled - Money Supply - Have a Look, think again -
Interesting times, the TSB advertising campaign claiming its different than the other banks. Admissions coming from the highest levels of the international supply side of money - Professor David Miles, Monetary Policy Committee, Bank of England;
"The way monetary economics and banking is taught in many – maybe most – universities is very misleading" 1)
Former Chair UK Financial Services Authority (FSA), Adair Turner “It is often said in general text books or discussion's 'what do banks do?' and you will often hear this description 'well they take deposits and they intermediate it to investment' This is a lousy description of what banks do. The idea that banks intermediate a pre-existing set of liquid asset savings is wrong!. Banks simultaneously create new private credit and new money." Repeated his call that consideration should be given to 'Overt Monetary Financing' by way of sovereign dollars free of private banker interest 2) to break what former IMF Chief Economist Simon Johnson refers to as the 'Debt doom loop'. 3)
I spent many years sharing many thousands of hours of research with readers of this newspaper 4) attempting to alert them to the fact their banks do not carry the risk on their side of the ledger that they claim they do. If our editors are kind enough to include reference links as part of this letter I beg people to again investigate if our assets and efforts are being stolen under false pretences?
2( http://www.freenewspos.com/news/article/d/32339/today/adair-turner-former-fsa-chair-attacks-austerity-and-warns-of-another-financial-crash
3( http://www.rooseveltinstitute.org/new-roosevelt/doom-cycle
4( http://publiccreditorbust.blogspot.co.nz/p/op-eds-published-note-headings-are-done.html
Iain Parker 2( http://www.freenewspos.com/news/article/d/32339/today/adair-turner-former-fsa-chair-attacks-austerity-and-warns-of-another-financial-crash
3( http://www.rooseveltinstitute.org/new-roosevelt/doom-cycle
4( http://publiccreditorbust.blogspot.co.nz/p/op-eds-published-note-headings-are-done.html
Taranaki Daily News
Truck driver on the case of banking fraud
Last updated 07:32 24/12/2011

After a hard day at the wheel of a truck, Iain Parker comes home to Stratford - but instead of putting his feet up, he sits in front of a computer.
He is passionate - some would say obsessed - about the banking system. Mr Parker believes the system is corrupt and his aim is to get the message out so something can be done about it.
His interest began when he and wife Michele were living in Perth and expecting their first child. Realising they would have to live on one wage Mr Parker started to look into the sharemarket with the aim of growing his money.
He spoke to a former colleague who had made and lost a lot of money in the 1980s sharemarket boom.
He said, "Well, if you don't want to just become someone who donates to a system that is pretty corrupt pull your money out and study it for a minimum of 12 months." So, he did.
Initially Mr Parker was interested in stories of insider trading, which was a bit like reading a crime novel, he says.
"I was talking to a guy one day and he put me on to this book called None Dare Call It A Conspiracy. I can't remember the name of the author, but it's the first I read of the banking system and that's what started my interest in the banking system."
He became more and more disgusted at the corruption in the system and how deep it went.
"I actually found out it is a mathematical pyramid scheme controlled by very few people that basically guarantees the transfer of the real wealth of the world to the few who own the financial stocks."
Most of the research is done, he says. Now it's about any new information that comes to light.
He has spent more than a decade and thousands of hours, either researching on the internet, reading hundreds of books or watching documentaries. He has even completed NZQA level 3 certificate of New Zealand public sector knowledge online with Weltec.
There is a large community on Facebook that is becoming more aware of flaws in the banking system, he says.
"There is also a new political party called Our New Zealand, which is the only political party in New Zealand that wants to divulge the banking fraud but it's completely split down the middle on the solutions. Half of the solutions I agree with, the other half I don't."
Mr Parker hasn't joined the party. He wants to remain independent, he says, so he can say what he wants, when he wants.
How long he spends researching depends on the varying hours he works. For six months he works about 45 to 55 hours a week and the other six months about 55 to 70 hours a week. During his shorter working weeks he would spend about 25 hours a week researching. When he works longer hours he manages around 15 hours a week at the computer.
"In some holiday periods at my keenest I would have hit 50 hours."
His family has now limited his time on the computer to Wednesday, Friday and Sunday.
The limit was put in place about two years ago, after his wife became concerned that the research was limiting the time he spent with his two children and what impact burning the candle at both ends would have on his health.
He's "lucky" is wife is still here, he says.
"I'm probably lucky she's got more patience than most. And in recent times, as pretty much what I've studied and exposed has become obvious to more and more people and I've had support from higher levels, she realises what I'm on about is quite important. At one time, she probably didn't realise the importance of it."
But his obsession has put a strain on their relationship at times, he says.
Mrs Parker agrees. But, at least he is trying to do good, she says.
"Other people sit on their arse and don't do anything. Iain's trying to do the right thing."
He is doing it for his kids.
"As we're selling assets because of these bogus loans, that are unrepayable because they are allowed to circulate as our entire money supply, we are going to have no public services left. We are ending up looking more like Europe. Even if you have been a casual observer you can see they have nothing left.
We'll see it in my lifetime, I'm 43. We'll have very few public services. We'll be paying through the nose for private services. Those countries in Europe have nothing left and they are saying the way to address their ever-compounding interest is to increase taxes."
The banking system isn't Mr Parker's sole interest in life. He enjoys fishing, golf and gardening.
"When this is over and hopefully the economic reality gets exposed and the banking system reformed, I just want to enjoy my family, my kids."
At the beginning most of his friends and family thought he had gone slightly mad. However, now his family and friends openly support him, he says.
Read Iain's feature on the banking system here
Taranaki Daily News
Last updated 07:27 24/12/2011

The machines that harvested fields of human batteries to power their own global ambition actually exist: in reality, they are machinations of global money policy, supply and debt; the vital infrastructure of our national and global economies.
They have been constructed and are serviced to this day by some of the world's wealthiest individuals and families to protect and augment vast fortunes for their exclusive advantage while keeping the great unwashed distracted and compliant.
And even debt and credit crises in America, Europe and other places around the globe have failed to end their reign. In fact, they have been emboldened, with major financial institutions deemed too big to fail and ironically recapitalised by the state and the victims of others' greed.
The grand plan may be likened to a global ponzi scheme and was devised as early as 1863.
In that year the most dominant transnational private family bank of today, Rothschild International, was seeking co-operatives in other countries, in this case the United States, to expand a cunning plan they already had in place in Europe and most British colonies.
A letter was sent to Messieurs Iklheimer, Morton and Vandergould, No. 3 Wall St, New York, United States:
DEAR SIRS: A Mr. John Sherman has written us from a town in Ohio, U.S.A., as to the profits that may be made in the National Banking business under a recent act of your Congress, a copy of which act accompanied his letter. Apparently this act has been drawn upon the plan formulated here last summer by the British Bankers' Association and by that Association recommended to our American friends as one that if enacted into law, would prove highly profitable to the banking fraternity throughout the world.
Mr Sherman declares that there has never before been such an opportunity for capitalists to accumulate money, as that presented by this act and that the old plan, of State Banks, is so unpopular, that the new scheme will, by contrast, be most favorably regarded, notwithstanding the fact that it gives the National Banks an almost absolute control of the national finance.
The few who can understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.
Please advise us fully as to this matter and also state whether or not you will be of assistance to us, if we conclude to establish a National Bank in the City of New York.
Your respectful servants,
Rothschild Brothers
Back then, the Rothschild family's fortune was conservatively estimated at $US6 billion. Today it is thought to be in the trillions.
The Rothschilds, and other of the world's wealthiest families, own a substantial percentage of the globe's financial service sector and exert undue influence on its economy through the extraordinary powers of credit creation at the core of our banking services. And the growing, significant levels of debt that stem from it.
That debt, which is threatening to destroy the euro, is at the heart of the machinery behind this elaborate matrix, and the wedge pushing the very rich and the poor apart.
That valuable, exponential debt, and the greed associated with its accumulation, was behind the growth of derivatives and sub- prime mortgages that precipitated the near-collapse of the global economy in 2008.
Thanks in part to weak oversight and regulation, which was acknowledged by a regretful former United States president Bill Clinton in an April 2010 interview.
And now that debt is impacting on the sovereignty of those troubled European nations through expectations of such organisations as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank for sweeping austerity measures attached to bail-outs.
If you think that such murky dealings are a world away from our own shores, consider what makes up the vast majority of New Zealand's money supply.
New Zealand's Treasury, in a letter signed off by Finance Minister Bill English, admitted that barely 5 per cent of this country's currency was made up of actual money. The rest - at least 95 per cent - is comprised of interest-bearing loans controlled mainly by foreign banks and institutions.
Even the rules and regulations at the heart of our finance sector are outsourced and controlled overseas, which was made clear in a book by Reserve Bank governor Alan Bollard last year.
In the book, worryingly entitled Crisis, he says:
"banking practices differ around the world but we ensure ours meet international standards. These standards are set by a somewhat shadowy group called the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. Comprised of representatives of large countries [not including New Zealand], the group meets in Switzerland . . ."
A February 18, 2008, document from the private New Zealand Debt Management Office (NZDMO), which is a conduit for the private international central banking network housed within the Treasury directly across the street from the Reserve Bank, said this: "The New Zealand Debt Management Office will be assuming responsibility for the tendering of New Zealand Government Bonds and Treasury Bills from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. This follows many years of the RBNZ acting as an agent for the NZDMO."
It was not always this way. New Zealand, was not always subservient to foreign financial institutions and great familial wealth. Not so long ago we generated our own money and credit.
Back in 1935 the Labour Government issued its own money, and put it straight into circulation free of interest to pay for workers to convert natural resources into 33,000 state houses, creating public assets that could be provided as a public service at the cheapest possible cost to society.
The practice stopped when National got back into government, handing issuance back to private middlemen as loans.
Of Labour's scheme, the National Opposition of the time said:
"This places them in a unique position; the houses after erection carry no interest on capital cost, and for instance a thousand pound house can be let for 5s per week and be a financial success. The millennium seems to have arrived and it makes one wonder why we had to struggle in the bog, when there was such an easy way out of our troubles; houses, after being built with the highest paid workers in the world, at the lowest cost heard of, makes our policy of orthodox finance seem almost prehistoric."
That "policy of orthodox finance" explains how the banking system, largely controlled by powerful overseas interests, has developed extraordinary power to create the currency supplies of nations by the issue of interest-bearing loans for which the money did not exist until the loan did.
Chapter four of The Creation of Money and Credit, says:
"By providing alternative means of settling transactions to cash and by acting as financial intermediaries, banks have created a new entity called deposit money. A drawing on an account is an instruction to a bank to shift deposit money from the account of one of its customers to someone else's bank account."
"By providing alternative means of settling transactions to cash and by acting as financial intermediaries, banks have created a new entity called deposit money. A drawing on an account is an instruction to a bank to shift deposit money from the account of one of its customers to someone else's bank account."
"Like cash, deposit money has no intrinsic value other than the fact that people accept it as having value. People accept it because they know other people will accept it for settling transactions. The public's belief that banks do on average make sound lending decisions acts as the effective backing of deposit money."
Under this private debt-based currency system, inflation is systemic as prices and taxes must be increased in the futile pursuit of the unobtainable compounding interest portion of the national debt. Leaving countries such as New Zealand to consider selling assets to write-off the debt, sometimes to the very people and organisations that hold the debt in the first place.
Most nations of the world are at varied steps down that same path to debt servitude. It's worth noting that New Zealand, despite selling off public assets into private hands as long ago as 1961, remains in considerable hock - our national debt obligations continue compounding in excess of earnings.
Leaving the world's richest families, who have one hand on our money supply and another peddling influence in our economy and politics, to simply get richer and richer.
A bitter pill to swallow.
Taranaki Daily News 7-9-2011
Economic ideas
Its Sad watching many looking at political party policies with ideological rose-coloured glasses based on what their Mum and Dad did, or the likes, rather than taking a plus or minus approach to individual policies and individual differences.
Most every New Zealand government has blindly surrendered to economic model’s dictated by international high finance senior management who they themselves, at the very highest levels, now admit is flawed.
Mid 1990’s John Key profited much being an executive in a private financial institution implementing these inequitable models upon Ireland which flooded it with more private lending institution "magic" credit expansion than could be repaid, then forced to sell its necessity of life public assets to private corporations owned by the very same people who made the bogus loans.
Despite saying publicly we don’t want to end up like Ireland John Key is overseeing the National Party implementing the same legislation that saw Ireland plundered. Jonathan Young has not a clue of high finance and simply reads what is handed to him from above to suit the occasion. Many of the Labour parliamentary branch, past and present, have been conned into the same trap.
But Andrew Little is well researched in the growing groundswell of new economic thinking at the highest international level. He knows legitimate businesses and workers face a common threat in illegitimate financial sector insiders with an exploitive agenda and has never condoned the selling of necessity of life public assets into private hands.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 22-8-2011
Much to be worried about with National
The Taranaki Daily News Editor in an editorial on August 13, suggested that strategic voting could be an option for New Plymouth voters, so as locals might benefit from having two MP's. I caution that along with Jonathan you get National’s executive club policies he himself has little comprehension of;
Employment removed from Reserve Bank Policy Target Agreement. - Zero tax for foreign financial institutions moving money through NZ - Local Government Lending Authority allowing local councils to borrow from bond exchangers given the same identity exemptions currently given at the national level with only two signatures required. Not subject to Official Information Act. - Further selling of public assets into private hands with bogus assurances that the sales wont most favour the corporate elite. ( 2011 National Party conference Bill English said they could not stop shareholders selling to whoever they wished or it would not be a "Free-market".) - Regulatory Responsibility Act putting in place automatic compensation should the nation attempt in the national interest of its citizens to stand in the way of corporate charter’s of maximising profits for shareholders, or more accurately large corporate shareholders, as they come and go. - Joining a free trade agreement involving the USA that will remove the right of Pharmac to bulk purchase cheaper generic medicines on the open market that currently save billions.
I don’t believe Labour are yet offering what’s completely needed, but will atleast stall the inevitable debt peonage national disaster above.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 5-8-2011
'Vested interest'
In a recent column Gordon Brown implied I was deceitful not disclosing my "vested interest’s" when questioning his level of in-depth investigative effort and not disclosing my past affiliations with what he named the Democrats, which was in-fact Democrats for Social Credit. Long-term readers of opinion page well know my past. Gordon has interpreted my motive as being offended at his statement "the marginally sane Social Credit Mob", he was wrong.
I joined the DSC because they were the only party in this nation attempting to alert the public to the fundamental flaws of our monetary, banking and credit systems. But like most party’s there were factions that differed on the necessary solutions to the point the party became stalemated. I have since departed DSC.
I never agreed with "pure" Social Credit ideals of reclaiming public control of the issuance of our own primary money base from the private commercial banking network to which it has been outsourced, to then distribute free money to all working age population without a work test.
But where Social Credit cross-over with the International Labour Movements founding ideals of issuing non interest bearing public credit to fund infrastructure and build assets as they did 33,000 State Houses at cheapest possible cost, I most definitely agree.
I now will remain an independent lobbyist of bringing control of our primary money supply back under public control to be issued as non interest bearing internal loans.
Iain Parker
Opunake Coastal News 30-6-2011
Jonathan Young – you have got to be joking?
Jonathan Young might now regret his column in this newspaper – another piece of delivered party propaganda that he doesnt understand. He states that:
"National is ensuring future generations of New Zealanders are not saddled with enormous amounts of debt, and that your tax dollars are going to the things that you really care about - more police officers, teachers, nurses, and doctors, and less money spent on interest rate payments to foreign lenders".
"National is ensuring future generations of New Zealanders are not saddled with enormous amounts of debt, and that your tax dollars are going to the things that you really care about - more police officers, teachers, nurses, and doctors, and less money spent on interest rate payments to foreign lenders".
Yet recently he sat across from the Prime Minister John Key at a public meeting in New Plymouth. In answering my posed question he replied, "If we reduced borrowing too much the economy would contract". I interjected, "that is because money is debt" to which the Prime Minister replied, "Yes".
This makes a mockery of the above National Party propaganda, which went straight over the heads of most National Party faithful. Jonathan Young, who has very little in depth knowledge of monetary, banking and credit systems, continued to nod in agreement.
This makes a mockery of the above National Party propaganda, which went straight over the heads of most National Party faithful. Jonathan Young, who has very little in depth knowledge of monetary, banking and credit systems, continued to nod in agreement.
John Key - who does have an in-depth knowledge of monetary, banking and credit systems - reacted similarly. He also offered no contest to my statement that New Zealand¹s public and private financial representatives acknowledge "Ninety eight percent of our money supply originates as interest bearing debt owed to private lending institutions." He also stated that "Eighty five percent of our debt is owed to foreigners".
Now let's examine these admissions to ascertain whether our total gross national debt has ever (since records began in 1845) been mathematically repayable - or are repeated debt repayment crises ever anything but inevitable?
All but a tiny fraction of our collective money supply originates as interest-bearing loans owed to private lending institutions. No alternatives are accepted for payment of taxes or rates. When the individual loans are drawn down however, the lending institutions only provide the principal for
the borrower to then attempt to find a means to repay both principal and interest.
the borrower to then attempt to find a means to repay both principal and interest.
The result is like a casino, some might win by hard work or good luck, but collectively the system is designed by the house to transfer a disproportionate amount of the wealth to the house by mathematical certainty.
What makes our monetary system even worse than a casino, is that we cannot make the decision to stop playing with the private bankers¹ chips so long as our political institutions continue as they do. That is to surrender and out-source the process of credit origination and intermediation to private
lending institutions, whose senior financial management repeatedly abuse the situation for short-term personal gain.
lending institutions, whose senior financial management repeatedly abuse the situation for short-term personal gain.
Regarding National Party propaganda that they are not selling our children into everlasting debt where their incomes will never meet what they are forced to borrow just to live. John Pemberton, retired Director of Institute of Credit Union Directors, calculated our gross total national debt, as at
June 2010, to be $442,755 billion with annual interest owed of $34,623 billion at an average interest rate of 7.82%. Statistics New Zealand stated, as at 2008, our debt service to export earnings ratio had reached 18%.
June 2010, to be $442,755 billion with annual interest owed of $34,623 billion at an average interest rate of 7.82%. Statistics New Zealand stated, as at 2008, our debt service to export earnings ratio had reached 18%.
Recently, the Minister of Finance, Bill English, announced that they had borrowed $5 billion more than currently needed ahead of time. The money was borrowed from the private foreign lending because it was offered at 5% - as opposed to the current rate of 6%. Are people ready for further asset sales at quick-fire sale prices under conditions of receivership? Check out the majority stockholding owners of the corporations that buy them. Mostly, you will find the majority are stockholding owners of the very same private international lending institutions that offered you the extra $5 billion at slightly cheaper rates.
Check out the majority stockholding owners of the rating agencies that keep rating well above your actual ability to repay, until you are beyond the point of no return, then downgrade you, which in turn increases your interest rates.
Sadly, I can report that the current Labour Executive remain fully captured and intent on the same suicide mission - despite their very founding, long forgotten, ideals of monetary, banking and credit system reform. The very first Labour Government of 1935 even issued our very own non interest
bearing public credit, borrowed from no-one, owed to no-one to begin the State Housing Project in 1936.
bearing public credit, borrowed from no-one, owed to no-one to begin the State Housing Project in 1936.
Mobilising workers to unlock our natural resources, at the cheapest possible cost as a public service, plus truly utilising the commonwealth of the nation for the common good, is a laudable ideology.
This ideology however is now nearly rendered extinct by repeated mathematical interest trap induced hand overs of our commonwealth to the private financial sector under false pretences.
Jonathan, when you next see John Key and Phil Goff, tell them that I issue to them a public challenge of a recorded debate on the subject of monetary, banking and credit systems.
Jonathan, when you next see John Key and Phil Goff, tell them that I issue to them a public challenge of a recorded debate on the subject of monetary, banking and credit systems.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 24-5-2011
Budget reaction
Another budget. Another parliament post budget phony war debate. John Key said Kiwisaver enticements had to be cut as it was "pointless" to borrow to attempt to save. News for you folks, our entire money supply is based on exactly that premise and it is time the debate was had in the public arena as to if that is an exercise in futility also.
Since 1830’s New Zealand has only had "surplus" to its borrowings on three occasions. Food sales WW2, Wool sales in the Korean War and Public Asset Sales (nations necessities of life) to private entities 1961 - 1999. All were anomalies not the normal.
We were forced to sell Public Assets under conditions of receivership when in debt repayment crisis we were told would be temporary. Yet here we find ourselves again?
Something is fundamentally wrong and unless changed nothing else can. Banking representatives both private and public admit that 98 per cent odd of our entire money supply originates as interest bearing debt owed to the financial service sector.
Here is a question for all with a reasonable ability to count. If all but a tiny fraction of your money supply originates as debt owed with compounding interest attached, given that only the principal enters circulation, is there ever collectively enough principal in circulation to repay principal plus compounding interest?
That is why we have repeated debt repayment crisis. That is why our parliament is fighting a phony war about anything but the one thing that unless changed nothing else can.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 9-6-2011
Farming debt
Fonterra's payout has reached $8 odd for each kilo of milk solids. 2010 Lincoln University paper on Dairy Farm Debt puts average debt at $21 kg milk solids 2009 up from $4.65 in 1991. Dairying was 65 per cent of total agricultural debt.
Geoff Bertram economics lecturer at Victoria University put out a paper in 2008 showing the combined agriculture sectors owed debt 480 per cent greater than current earnings.
Given both public and private banking representatives admit all but a tiny fraction of our entire money supply originates as compounding interest bearing debt owed to private lending institutions but only the principal enters circulation at the draw down. It has to be asked given the complete disconnect between income to debt and the inflated land prices it has caused, just how the banks intended that the debt ever be cleared.
Did banks plan on the only way it was ever going to happen was from the resale of the farms for capital gains. Thus knowing that if they continued to pump the bubble the only buyers likely to keep it going would be large pools of foreign capital.
Given that our private lending institutions are in the main majority stakeholder owned by the same majority stakeholders of the large pools of private foreign capital, is it not hard to wonder if those private foreign lending institutions will gain control of New Zealand’s fertile land under some very false pretences.
These false pretences afflicting all sectors are evoking harsh words among its fellow non-insider targets.
Iain ParkerStatford
Taranaki Daily News 19-4-2011
Money circles
Kiwibank announced cheapest mortgage rates to benefit New Zealanders.
Might have been true under Labour Government, who although having little indepth financial literacy could atleast see benefit of having state owned bank doing what the TSB "did" for Taranaki residents by circulating through its veins the mainly foreign private debt that circulates as all but a fraction of our national money supply in order to cut a profit margin from plain vanilla bank lending and return the profits after cost as dividends to local resident shareholders. Using local competition to keep foreign banks from gouging.
Then came National Government who believe all necessities of life and essential infrastructure belong in the hands of private profit seekers. They set up a subsidiary of Kiwibank, Kiwi Capital Securities LTD, within New Zealand Post Office Parent to start borrowing from international wholesale banks to expand lending into riskier areas. This at a time of global credit crisis when many allied democratic nations are questioning the authenticity of the created credit these banks issue.
This nullifies local competition aspect and see's more revenues by way of interest or dividend flowing off shore.
I say the TSB "did" do the same for local Taranaki community shareholders, as it to has recently started borrowing from international wholesale banks for the same reasons as Kiwibank, which will have same outcome.
When did the local shareholders get asked if they want to cut international wholesale banks in on their business?
Its partial privatisation of both!
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 30-3-2011
Financial matters
I ask if most NZ citizens are pseudo masochist?
First the pain of Southern tragedies. Then the pain of political parties in a phony war telling us our only options for funding economic recovery are further borrowing of the private credit our parliament condones circulating as our money supply, or re-shuffling existing borrowings from one destination to another, or increasing taxes and levies.
In 1935 the Labour Party were elected upon a platform of taking back the issuance of our own money supply from the private banking fraternity who had repeatedly abused the power. Under the insistance of MP John A Lee Labour re-empowered our Reserve Bank to spend our monetary base into circulation without interest attached to mobilise the workers to unlock our natural resources to build our state housing project.
Kept within the boundaries of sustainable resources Public Credit can allow the unlocking of natural resources at the cheapest possible cost to be provided as a public service without being inevitably inflationary as the private bankers claim.
Sure, if politicians abused their powers as the private bankers have an excess quantity of money in circulation to goods available would be as destabilising as present.
But the current conditions under which the private bankers issue our money supply as debt with interest attached is guaranteed inflationary by mathematical certainty.
It is time the Labour Party re-educated themselves to their very founding ideals that are even more needed today than ever for the very same reasons they were in 1935.
Iain ParkerStratford
Taranaki Daily News 24-12-2010
Finance 'spin'
Amazing, Business Roundtable spin doctor Roger Kerr is still making out like the financial quackery sector needs the hand brake taken off some more and blames the recent mugging of the common peoples of the world upon the heavy regulation of government.
Many senior figures in global high finance have come out as insider whistle blowers out of concern of just how much the financial quackery sector has corrupted governments and global governance structures.
Their concerns are how political donations earned financial deregulation favours that broke down existing regulations that kept the various sectors of high finance from going mad with their ability to create credit money and issue the money supply as loans .
It sounds alarming when you comprehend that our entire money supply enters circulation at various levels of finance as debt owed to the banking system. But done within prudent boundaries with fair and reasonable conditions attached it can serve society well. But let loose in conjunction with unfettered Socialism or Capitalism it can allow the banker's to turn bankster's and put society into servitude.
Governor of Bank of England is saying that the sectors of banking need to be put back in their boxes but most political parties are taking the money or the spin.
New Zealand Labour Party's founding ideals(1909) were monetary, banking and credit system reform. Those ideals are even more needed today than ever for the very same reasons but at heart 'current' Labour is very much an imposter of 'true' Labour.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 29-11-2010
Debate over creation frustrates
The endless debate over just how life developed frustrates me no end. How about instead of going around and around in a merry dance of evolution or creation to which there can be no consensual conclusion, instead focus upon what we can gather of how we have behaved since the age of reason when we learned to communicate and record information some 12,000 odd years ago.
Study enough history you soon learn no matter where we came from we have as a whole behaved disgustingly toward each other. It is amazing just how many human crises have been caused by slaveminded quackery of those seeking monopolise for free the labour of their fellow human beings or monopolise control of the money supply of the time to put the masses into servitude by predatory loans at terms that are mathematically unrepayable.
The term for debt enslavement is 'usury'. It is an age old enemy of common decency. The common people have been conned time and again into killing each other under the guise of religion or freedom by manipulation of a slaveminded elite who infact profit from financing as interest bearing loans all sides of most conflicts.
As we come off another crises caused by greed of the financial quackery sector issuing more created credit than was ever possibly repayable I hope we dont again get so easily diverted away from the real crimes against humanity. The financial quackery sector are committing blue murder at present and escaping most scot free.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 21-6-2010
An old trick
In reply C.W. Fairgray (June 14) Keep it simple,
Small forums are difficult to do justice to 12,000 odd years of economic fun and games. My hope in sharing any amount of my extensive study of economics is it might spark interest and deepen knowledge of the core most impacting influence upon society.
I am currently not a member of any political party and believe that no party under their current dominant internal factional influences offers what is needed to stop slave-minded elitist's from home and abroad again using financial quackery to gain control of even more of our necessities of life.
Social Credit is a denomination of Public Credit. The struggle between Public Credit and Private Credit began 300 odd years ago when the lending forward of created credit to unlock resources and promote economic expansion (banking) became accepted practice. It was an official adoption of an old Goldsmiths scam where they had started making loans of receipts for more gold than had been deposited in their vaults for safe keeping.
A cash strapped King at first entrusted the private bankers to do the right thing with the "magic chequebook" and take only fair reward in return for overseeing stable economic progress. They repeatedly abused the process for personal profit and at times elected governments have returned the "magic chequebook" back to public control.
The success, or otherwise, of either has come down to the intent or prudence of the conditions attached to the credit money supply at its entry point.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 11-6-2010
Budgeting for bias
The dust settles on another budget and is now Kiwi culture since our first official bankruptcy in 1961, another government has blamed the economic situation of the last to renege on most everything it campaigned on and use it as an excuse to present measures that favour foreign corporate raiders over wider national interest. The advisors of foreign creditors have since 1961 had much influence upon all governments under conditions akin to receivership.
In the same period we see the graziness of two large religions being coerced into conflict when both their founding prophets when rallying people against slavery or financial domineering, claimed 600 odd years apart to have been given the guidance of god through the very same angel Gabriel. Both at their beginnings rallied against the monopolisation of the money supply and lending of it to the populous with interest attached. Like most things of original good intent, both at times have been infiltrated and turned into commercial pyramid schemes themselves, hence the many denominations they have split into based on economic and social policy.
It is widely acknowledged today that 95 per cent odd of the money supply enters circulation as monetised debt owed to the private banking network with compound interest attached. Given that only the principal enters circulation there is never enough money to repay principal and interest. Collectively impossible for growth to exceed the cost of debt needed to fund it. Whilst this mathematical formula remains intact religious and ethnic differences will be accentuated by growing inequality.
Taranaki Daily News 11-5-2010
Economic 'illiteracy'
What an interesting trail of events. First Hone Harawira, Johnathan Young, Peter Moeahu, all showing their illiteracy in the core economic area of international banking and commerce, and its impact upon what is the shortest history of any nation on earth, New Zealand.
Overt caste class systems of oppression had predominated the history of both European and Maori prior to a wide spread push by the European common peoples for increased individual rights. Slavery was officially abolished British Empire 1830. Treaty of Waitangi, 1840, was sold as umbrella of rule of law that would treat all in common no matter class or race. Thus many Maori hoped it would also free them from the oppression they suffered at the hands of their own.
There were many slave-minded elitist's that fought hard against the abolishment of slavery and have since sought means of continuing economic domination. I allege the financial trickery of these elements has seen the promise of equal opportunity contained in the Treaty not delivered to all classes or races.
Then along comes lecturing Winston Peters, fully literate in the multi-layered international banking system and its economic domineering of us, yet, under the influence of the diplomatic gag, he wont tell the average battler in plain language what impacts them most.
Add to that, that in my last letter I questioned John Keys conflicts of interest with compelling evidence. Despite the fact three National MP's live in circulation of this paper, they chose silence as their best defence, why?
Taranaki Daily News 20-4-2010
Politicians questioned
AGAIN I questioned with facts the acumen of another local MP, Nationals, Johnathan Young. Did I get a refute of facts?, no, the silence was deafening. I questioned the role National leader, John Key, played in the global credit crisis in his previous banking career, did I get a refute?, no.
Thus for the public good I am going to document what is common knowledge in academic circles re Key's previous career, but what Key's, Young or Robert Taylor would prefer be kept under the radar.
Key has tried to distance himself from the international credit crisis brought about by corruption and greed in the international finance sector by implying the nasty stuff was done post 2005, after he left 2001, but this contradicts what one of his Merrill Lynch superiors, John Bellotti, said of Key's 1995 launched banking career "he revolutionised the blue blood investment banking sector."
Key himself explained "I wasn’t the guy sitting there dreaming it all up, but I was the guy who was responsible for those people."
The US Federal Reserve New York Branch, the current private controlled backroom of Western banking, is coming under increased scrutiny for excess issuance of created credit to the ability of repayment, creating a commercial pyramid scheme for banker insiders. Key, as stated in his parliamentary bio, was an invited member Foreign Exchange Committee Federal Reserve Bank of New York 1999-2001 immediately after banking deregulations of 1999 allowed monopolists of the created credit mechanism to cross-own public investment markets.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 8-4-2010
Criticism for MP
No wonder the "blow-in" New Plymouth MP Jonathan Young rarely says anything specific about economics.Like to many of our MP's, he is all but completely financially illiterate and only parrots what is issued from above. He chastises about incorrect employment figures, quite probably not having a clue that when we were put into receivership for the second time as a nation in 1984, most of our social and economic policy was being written by advisors imposed upon us by our creditors, they changed the definition of employed from having worked in paid employment for thirty hours in a week, to one hour. Since then a far more relevant stat has been underemployment. With increased casual work, many with one or more jobs, but few hours, yet deemed employed, cant live with dignity.
He then sets about claiming we are one of the least indebted nations in the world by presenting a report mentioning only Public Sector debt, when in-fact, thanks to both major parties kowtowing to in international banking system that is now being exposed for the rort that it is, we have a gross national debt, when including all sectors, that makes us once again as close to insolvency as many others.
As for John Key being the one to save us, the part he played in the global credit crisis when a senior executive at the transnational incorporated investment bank Merrill Lynch and how they left Ireland hollowed and gutted, is becoming wider known by the day.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 11-2-2010
State housing
Labour's Phil Goff spouting, we stand for fair reward for all, not disproportionate wealth to the slaveminded elitist few, but in-fact Labour hasn't acted on behalf of the many since it got got cold feet in a standoff with the international bankers in 1939.
Apart from a small window in 1938, we have been forced or corrupted into borrowing credit which is literally written into existance as a debt book entry by foreign third party intermediaries to unlock our own natural resources, adding two to three times true value for everything we attempt to do.
In 1938 Labour MP John A Lee, decorated in WW1 for losing an arm whilst taking out a machine gun post that had bogged down an assault, stood up to the privately owned foreign financial middlemen and kowtowing Labour hierachy to insist that our Reserve Bank issue public credit borrowed from no-one, to be spent into circulation, not lent, with no interest attached, to unlock the labour and resources needed to start the State Housing Project that assisted our climb out of the 1930s depression.
As long as public credit is used in a productive fashion to build social infrastructure assets, it has proven to be non-inflationary. Labour and the nation needs another of the courage and knowledge of John A Lee.
You won't get change from John Key, who used to skite about his part in revolutionising international investment banking, but today won't answer my questions re his role as advisor to the US Federal Reserve 1999-2001.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 29-1-2010
Wild-west markets
Backroom-bureaucrats paid more than elected representatives at all levels. Ex Labour Prime Minister Mike Moore appointed US Ambassador by National Government , what does this add up to? Up to the fact that the laws of this land are no longer that. They are currently being continually circumvented by backroom bureaucrats and wild-west deregulated market proponents who have infiltrated democratic structures and now enforce teachings and regulations handed down by international institutions which have proven time again to be heavly influenced by the worlds most slaveminded financial extortionist's. Local proponents of international central government have currently almost rendered impotent any checks and balances by way of local democratic representation.
Senior backroom advisors of elected representatives are recruited by international recruitment agencies under the authority of the State Services Commissioner and then rubberstamped by the Minister of State Services. Senior bureaucrats at every level of governance the world over are predominately appointed similarly and paid more than elected representatives as they're promoted as using their higher learning's to protect from slaveminded elements exploiting the people via the lack of general knowledge of many, as decent as they maybe, that get themselves elected.
Like most things of good intent, if not diligently guarded, devious elements infiltrate and turn it on its head. The internationalist recruited bureaucrats current batch of recommendations will increase their profits via lending of credit to pay for expensive treatments that address only symptoms but leave society terminally ill from the cancer that is predatory lending itself.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 18-11-2009
Naughty Mps
Rodney Hide will be frustrated not being able to keep a lid on his fiddling until the majority are paying the least attention in the holiday period, traditionally when politicians release information or future intentions they know will be detrimental.
Hone Harawira has again shown his tendency to "gross generalise" that "all" White's were responsible for, and profited equally from the past crimes committed against Maori. The Treaty Of Waitangi promised the umbrella of a rule of law that would treat all the same regardless of colour or class. Rodney Hide and Co are a pertinent reminder that equal opportunity have never been delivered to the coloured or the classed, that New Zealand has remained very elitist influenced behind the political curtain.
Hone remains very ignorant to the impact of foreign finance-sector corporate raiders and their locally recruited co-operatives upon the economic and social policy of our nation. Rodney Hide on the other hand knows full well their intentions and welcomes them with open arms.
We have been reduced to a society of dog eat dog by the fact that the privately owned central banking network have repeatedly loaned us a basketball size of debt when there is only a tennis ball size of means of repayment, they then put us "collectively" into receivership, forcing us to sell public assets to corporation's they themselves own.
If the Labour Grassroots are not reintroduced to their suppressed founding ideals of using the nations credit for the majority, dog eat dog will grow.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 31-10-2009
Global debt slavery for dummies
New Zealand borrowing $250 million a week for next four years? Many local councils reducing debt repayments and increasing borrowings, again, looking to sell assets for debt relieve?
I had a call from a gent, saying, because of his studies, that he understands my past letters about the privately owned international banking network being able to loan a nation more created credit than it can ever repay but, that my wording was still to complex for most to comprehend and, I should attempt to put it simpler, as given the unfolding debt crisis, people need to comprehend more than ever.
Here goes: 1830 - slavery is abolished in English empire and industrial mass production of goods begins. After a 600 year struggle Parliamentary Democracy finally appeared to have won the day. But, the elite class and wealthy industrial monopolist's only allowed the commoners their House of Representatives, on the condition their wealth remained intact.
The emerging economies then had to borrow, at interest, their money supplies from them.
To assist economic expansion they lobbied that they could be trusted to create credit as debt book entry and loan it forward, at interest, to speed up the utilisation of available natural resources.
We've since suffered repeated boom, bust, bankruptcy and a number of disgusted senior people within the private international banking network have turned whistle-blowers, alleging the central bankers have been deliberately lending nations more than they can repay to drive public assets into the hands of their corporate subsidiaries.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 10-10-2009
Media domination
The question if rugby world cup will be available free to air raises many wider issues surrounding the private corporate domination of our media and information supply.
When we were put into receivership as a nation for the second time (1984) we were forced to sell off public assets to reduce our foreign debts and our public companies were restructured to operate as profit making corporations as opposed to public owned enterprises acting in the national interest. Our markets were opened to direct private foreign lending and corporate competition.
This saw TVNZ's govt funding reduced to 25 per cent, the rest of the cost of its programming to come from advertising.
In 1990 Sky pay for view entered the arena.
It began to buy the best sport content to increase it viewers. As viewers shifted so did advertising revenues, reducing the other stations abilities to compete for programming as their revenues drop. In 2006 Sky were allowed to purchase free to air Prime. Sky has now paid off its initial infrastructure costs and heavily subsidises Prime when it competes for free to air sports coverage.
This monopolisation unhindered threatens the very sustainable viability of free to air TV.
Private corporations now own 95 per cent of our media raising concerns about the media being able to fulfil without bias its generally accepted constitutional obligations to ensure it provides balanced information to the nations public. We have also seen the erosion of laws preventing cross ownership to much of all print, radio and TV.
Iain Parker
Opunake Coastal News 16-7-2009
Farmers, A Question If I May?
I congratulate the Real Sector Farmer of this nation for once again realising that if you allow corporate raiders open access into your industry those who wish to make a fair and reasonable long-term profit from the production of dairy products would risk becoming beggared to the so-called "sophisticated investors" interested in only short-term capital gain from the buying and selling of farms and the volatility these activities bring to the industry. These quick money capital gain farmers insist it is their individual right to accumulate as many properties as they wish and be able to sell them to anyone in the world they wish, no matter the impact on wider society.
As the Public Listed Agricultural Trusts of the elite rich of many nations under population pressure now scour the world for opportunities to buy fertile land to ensure food supply for their homelands and the accompanying profits it would bring, the unfettered selling of our own means of production (fertile land) to foreigners could conceivably see the local population going short and paying inflated prices for food, and under Multilateral Investment Agreements successive corporate raiding co-operative governments have signed, we would never be able to afford the proceedings in the international courts to repeal it. Trust me, its already happened in many small nations. Unfortunately I believe it is the case that both the current Fonterra and Nations governance support unfettered free-market individual profit over nation-state Real Sector local manufacturers and exporters.
This brings me to my question for Real Sector farmers, What is it with the blind following of the National Party?. My research leads me to believe it goes back to the subsidies of Rob Muldoons National given to assist farmers through England abandoning us for the European market and the seventies oil price hikes. If this is the case? I would like to remind farmers that it was Labour that first put in place the guaranteed price scheme for agricultural products in place as part of its social reforms in 1930's. Various agricultural subsidies were paid by both parties up to New Zealand was put into liquidation for the second time(first 1961) by our foreign financiers in 1984.
Because of the way our money supply, for much of our short history, has entered circulation as compounding interest bearing debt owed to the privately owned international central banking network, agricultural subsidies have contributed as much to the repeated debt repayment crisis this nation has suffered as has the holding to ransom of the nation by a rampant Public Service Sector Union when they demanded, and were given 15% pay raises because they made up 25% of the vote and could determine who held power.
As our nation once again steers down the barrel of debt repayment crisis liquidation because of the slave-minded way our money supply still enters circulation I would beg the farmers to examine as closely the impact of corporate raiders upon their nationstate as they have upon their industry.
The International Labour Movement was founded at the turn of the 19th century on the ideals of reforming the private monopoly on the issuance of the created credit money supply. Rob Muldoon fought all but to his last breath trying to prevent them once again entrapping us with their predatory loans. There has been in this country opposing governments up front whose ideologies behind the diplomatic curtain have been for the good of all, and those such as Roger Douglas and Ruth Richardson who sold us out to the charms of corporate raiders.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 24-9-2009
Mr English, there's another way
BILL ENGLISH (Sept 19) says "We don't want a repeat of the unbalanced growth built on borrowing and spending".
Exporters need dollar to drop to make prices attractive to foreign buyers. Yet Standard & Poors rating agency recently threatened to downgrade our dollar if we don't address earnings to debt imbalance. This would lower our dollar, they warn is a bad thing because our debt held in foreign denominations would increase in sync, threaten to put us into receivership for third time in recent history and forced to sell into privatisation what little of our necessities of life we still have some semblance control over. The two scenario's completely contradict, yet if not changed we end up in debt repayment crisis anyway.
So what is Bills solution, he recently announced we are going to increase our government bond issues by 55 per cent this year as the shrinking economy erodes tax revenue, forcing the government to fund its operations via debt issuing $50 billion in total over next four years. We are looking at creating a local government bond bank to tune of $30 billion.
Bonds are IOU's given to the privately owned international central banking network in exchange for more electronically created reserve credit money. You pledge to pay it back, with interest, out of future taxes, essentially obtaining more credit at a higher rate to attempt to pay back what you already cant repay leading to inevitable larger crisis, inevitable further privatisation.
Bill, what about isuing our own created credit money? No middlemen.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 17-9-2009
Political view
Did National voters intend the executive they elected contract out the running of the nation to the very group of nasties who trained and mentored Roger Douglas and Ruth Richardson? Because that is exactly what they have done.
Just study the resumes of the Private Purchasing Officers and various think tanks they have appointed.
These people believe we have to be made realise there is a trade off between freedom-fairness and wealth. Wealth monopolised by only a few at the expense of the many, no worries.
At their recent conference Labour apologised for their wrongs when last in government. Helen Clark had said preserve me for the right time and I will stop what foreign corporate raiding co-operatives had put in motion. Due to lack of financial literacy she failed dismally. Only succeeding in switching voters off with outrageous social engineering.
Goff's Labour claim they will return to their roots of equal opportunity to wealth. I am glad to hear that as the international Labour movement was founded in England in early 1900's as told on BBC radio October 23, 1931, by Arthur Henderson long time Chairman of the Labour Party "We propose that the banking and credit system of this country should be made a national service. We propose this because, as Mr MacDonald and Mr Snowden have insisted so often in the past, it would be folly, particularly in the light of recent experiences(depression), to leave private banks to be masters of the nations destinies."
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 5-9-2009
Moeahu supported
REGARDING Peter Moeahu's letter of August 28. Im In agreement with what you stated regarding the illusion of special treatment of all Maori and of questionable media agendas. Luckily some at this paper are reasonably worldly, but I fear the elitist elements within ours and every culture, that think nothing of exploiting their fellow human beings, the same colour or not, will be in glee at another seemingly intelligent man reduced to the crude accusation of institutional racism that devides and diverts attention away from the spotlight being turned on their individualist exploitations..
History backs you on your forecast of future ethnic turmoil. From time immemorial common elements have scoured the globe looking for equal opportunity to dignity as opposed to class systems of servitude that have predominated. Repeatedly when these groups are thrown together at the same time another great transfer of wealth to the slaveminded elite occurs, the common elements have sadly been turned on each other as desperation increases.
Peter, both our cultures were born caste class systems of slavery.
Not all Maori land was stolen, most of the cases of serious abuse where carried out by elitist bureaucrats abusing their positions. Maori also acted selfishly in wider detriment to their own, yet those of any ethnicity who profit the least are the ones left paying back out of PAYE taxes two to three times over with compounding interest, the foreign credit borrowed to pay the supposed treaty "compensation".Peter, both our early cultures were class systems with overt slavery, I put it to you they're now class systems of covert inequality.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 20-8-2009
System Corrupt
Creative accounting of MPs of every party. Questionable dealings of local councils. This nation is portrayed the greatest equal-opportunity democracy, but just how far from a class privilege system have we come? The basically decent majority of citizens and businesses have suffered groups and individuals acting in their own interests, often colluding with foreign interests over nationstate society.
After being decreed foreign capital dependent in 1845 we have suffered failed foreign lender debt based fiscal stimulus package after another. The result was ever increasing national debt until 1961 we were put into receivership for the first time, having to hand over our gold stocks, we were told even larger amounts of foreign credit was our way out. Yet, by 1984 we once again faced debt repayment crisis. We once again sold more public assets into private hands to pay down debt. At the hands of a number of foreign lender co-operatives fronted by Roger Douglas, Ruth Richardson and Jenny Shipley, we were told even more direct foreign investment was our way out. Helen Clark did little to stop its subversive invasion.
We once again face debt repayment crisis. The National Party Executive, now fronted by banker/money trader who's activities caused local manufacturers/exporters decades of grief, is talking more and more of privatisation and a need for even more foreign capital.
Acting the same leads to the same, multi-national corporations demanding more tribute for use of our own necessities of life. School up, speak up or suffer more of the same.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 3-8-2009
Your lesson today
Regarding the letter from Doug Midgley (July 25). It is great to see a young person interested in financial literacy, even better having the courage to express those interests in public – keep it up.I believe the freedom to open any door I wished has been a huge advantage over being led by any fixed curriculum in my decades-plus study of the entire history of currency and banking, and the debt management history of New Zealand, including a certificate in New Zealand public sector knowledge.
I agree a wider history of international commerce should be part of the compulsory curriculum. I also agree that we must ensure that the school curriculum gives students the full story and does not fall into the hands of vested interests.
I dont agree with the insinuation the current curriculum is heavily influenced by the voting public, especially that of higher learning institutes.
International agreements such as Multilateral Investment Agreements and Bilateral Trade Agreements now see much influence being brought to bear upon our learning institutes by international regulatory bodies such as the Bank of International Settlements, IMF, etc.
Representatives of whom are heavily involved in audits of the New Zealand curriculum.
Doug, if doing economics, push open all the doors, ask your tutor what Government Bond's are? Who has the right to buy them before they are sold on the secondary bond market? What role they play in our economy? How mortgages are written, and what Fractional Reserve Banking is? Then come back and educate as many as possible. Good luck
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 21-7-2009
Public not to blame
Editorials in your paper have laid most of the blame for the current debt crisis at the feet of the consumer and a public you perceive somehow owns the banks. The international banking system preys upon the human frailty of impulsive wants. Credit card and hire-purchase incentives thrown in the faces of people who cant afford them. People who have all manner of mass produced goods marketed at them every day as "must haves."
International banking is a multilayered system, only the lowly trading banks available on stock exchange for ownership by investors, and they via voting structures are dominated by big money, thus the longterm Mum and Dad investors are not the great benefactors you imply.
As for only discretionary debt contributing to current crisis, I give you this for thought.
97 per cent of our money supply enters circulation as interest bearing debt owed to foreign lenders. Even if you do not hold a loan contract in this nation, now that we are in deficit, all and more of every dollar you have in your wallet is owed on your behalf by debt factored into the cost of goods and services you pay for.
If everyone paid off all their loans, as should be a good thing, under the current Debt Based Private Monetary System there would be no money in circulation and trade would collapse.
There sits at the heart of banking a Credit Creation Mechanism, control over which has been debated for 300 years. Banking inquiry desperately needed.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 13-7-2009
History column
Congrats TDN for new early NZ history column. Often with history the deception is what is left out by self interested groups. If both sides is not fully told, all the money in the world will not stop this nation going down the well worn path to separatism as anger still boils among misinformed citizens who grow up thinking their societies were gods gift to each other and the planet.
The wider study of the structures of both societies in the 70 years between the first point of continuous European contact 1769 and the first signing of the Treaty Of Waitangi 1840 is very informative and much forgotten as concentration goes toward post 1840.
England has a long history of overt slavery and caste class systems. English "Gentlemen" founded America with Negro slaves brought from Negro rulers of Africa who worked side by side with European bonded slaves from England. Slavery was not officially abolished in England until 1830.
Pre 1840 Maori society was also a caste class system with overt slavery, ruled by the strongest feudal element. When European commercial interests sold muskets into this environment those who obtained them first committed atrocities against traditional foes.
The Treaty was promoted as representing the new Westminster system of equality, umbrella of a rule of law that treated all the same no matter their class or colour. I put it to you that history shows that neither have been delivered as white collar crime continued to prosper in both societies.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 6-6-2009
Poor service from elected officials
Estimated 92 per cent of people fear public speaking. Meaning that voters must hope we get decent representatives out of the remainder, not just confident public speakers seeking comfortable earnings.
Sadly, recent observations suggest the latter.
The monetary system is the carburettor of the societal motor, if out of tune anything attempted upstream of it to improve the performance of the motor has little effect.
Having debated Nationals Shane Ardern, I concluded he is a decent bloke in the wrong party used as a smiling face to get National elected only to be overlooked for a cabinet executive posts issued to unfettered freemarketeers at a time when the outcomes of such ideals have completely broken down.
The cause of the global credit crisis is narrowing back to the Financial Services Modernisation Act 1999, passed in the USA deregulating the financial sector.
The same year that John Key was invited onto the US Federal Reserve Advisory Board after a stint overseeing Merrill lynch which proudly noted " we had this beautiful thing going because we were the first to supply margin trading to big hedge funds. We had the capability to cross-sell them several products using one bit of margin"
Jonathan young when recently asked of his boss's past, admitted he knew little, and little of economics.
I recently ran into Labours Renee van de Weert, we discussed a mutual concern at Nationals actions since elected, she suggested we meet, but only if we don't discuss economics, as she is not into that.
Iain Parker
The wheels behind the wheels
Local and National governments everywhere are facing compounding debt crisis, struggling to finance new infrastructure and maintain old. Why have both repeatedly fallen foul to the same problems. Is it because the back office advisors of both are hired and fired by a self regulating financial system operating behind the diplomatic curtain.
The recruitment of financial advisors to both, in most cases, are done by corporate executive recruitment agencies on behalf of the State Services Commissioner, the recommendations are then rubber stamped by the State Services Minister. The appointed CEOs by legislation then appoint everyone under them independent of government influence.
It was supposed to give a balance that would protect against tyranny, but as with most things intended for good, the ever present indecent few always attempt to infiltrate the protections of the basically decent majority, as made clear by central banking figurehead David Rockefeller in June 1991;
"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 3-3-2009
Support for Horse
Great to see "Horse" McLeod go into bat against the ever increasing burden of debt. "Pistol" Pete handed Horses hot potato to the back office of so-called trusted academic advisors. CEO McKerrow came out with mantras "borrowings for major projects must be spread out over generations". "Our debt is only 4% of assets".
Debt to income is far more impacting. Assets are of no assistance to meet debt repayments unless you sell them.
The over lending of central banker "Created Credit" has caused another inflationary bubble, more credit/money loaned than there was the resources to be converted to money to repay it.
They're now implementing quantitative deleveraging, removing massive amounts of money from circulation, but gleefully accepting taxpayer money to rebalance their reserves.
Most every institution has announced reduced debt repayments and increased borrowings to get by until the preyed for up turn. The impact of compounding interest and unemployment are now eating away at our debt servicing capabilities.
If I have learned anything from my 13 years studying 5000 years of currency and banking, it is this nation has time after time been forced to sell its necessities of life to foreign multinational corporations to temporarily alleviate debt.
New Plymouth not long ago sold its golden goose power company and upon professional advice invested its cash into the markets, markets that have shed 30 trillion in 18 months.
Until the "Credit Creation" mechanism is once again(1934) Nationalised in this nation, nothing will change.
Taranaki Daily News 13-3-2009
Debt systems
I attended the recent sustainability fair, hearing Green Party Co Leader Russell Norman and National MP Jonathan Young speak on sustainable solutions for economic recovery. Both were putting forth their costly plans. I pointed out that both were flawed due to the common denominator of continuing to borrow "created credit" from the same foreign lenders who have us on our knees now. "Created Credit" that we repay with compounding interest, adding two to three times true value to anything we attempt to do in this nation.
Stealing our efforts and resources.
I mentioned the many successful debt free BASED monetary systems of history and NZ's proud record of using public credit to build our State Housing. The Banking inquiries of 1934-1955.
Russell Norman amazingly commented that debt free BASED money systems are inflationary, when history shows anything but, they in fact keep far more connection between money supply and available sustainable resources than the privately owned Debt Based Monetary system ever have with their repeated Boom, Bust, Bankruptcy cycles.
Jonathan young read from the RBNZ, stating that our banking system was sounder than others. If Jonathan Young had an inkling of international monetary mechanisms he would know that our debt dealings with the outside world are handled by a virtually independent agency that sits within our government, operating under international law, called the NZ Debt Management Office. The NZDMO recently dropped the RBNZ as what it referred to as its "Agent" because the RBNZ tried to influence its operations.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 23-12-2008
Financial factor
The world is drowning in debt. Money was to be a means of exchange to make trade easier than barter, thus the amount of money in circulation should resemble closely the amount of trade. The imbalances between deficit and surplus should resemble 100 per cent. Today, only 4 per cent of money is used for trade and most nations are massively in deficit to the privately owned central banking conglomerate.
Throughout history, money systems have been destroyed by counterfeit currency entering circulation. 1972 paper money was supposedly backed by gold, those that had the gold were once again caught loaning out more notes than they had backing for.
John Key was on the advisory committee of the United States Federal Reserve Bank 1999-2001. John Key, why do we continue to pledge the future taxes of the nation for foreign credit created out of freshair?
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 29-9-2008
Global money grab
Those in Finance are going to pains to convince us that our system is different from those abroad. The truth is that the Bank of International Settlements hands down the regulations governing Deposit Taking Institutions (DTI) worldwide. That is Banks, Insurance Companies and Finance Institutes. The regulations set Reserve Ratio's that allow DTI,s to hold every dollar deposited as reserve and expand it ten times or more as Credit created out of fresh air, then loan it out at interest.
Between the privately owned institutes with this obscene power and those that make commissions from peddling as much debt as they can, the DTI's inevitably end up lending the Real Sector Citizens, Businesses and Farmers more Created Credit than they can collectively extract the means from our resources to repay. This is what creates the Boom-Bust business cycle.
It sees those at the top of this system and their recruited co-operatives accumulate ever increasing amounts of the hard assets while repeatedly leaving the Real Sector with the evaporating Goodwill portion.
They tell that nobody foresaw this Debt Crisis. That’s a falsity. The worldwide Social Credit movement has forecast step by step the impact of excess Created Credit and the only time in modern history these destabilizing forces have been controlled was when nations have implemented Social Credit, spending their own money supply into circulation by the building and ongoing maintenance of vital infrastructure, removing foreign interest from the first point of the money chain.
Iain Parker
Taxing issue
Recent correspondents have debated the merits of taxing or borrowing. In the scheme of international economics, Governor Fitzroy was recalled to London, 1845, by the International Commercial Aristocracy of the time, for attempting to bring into circulation our own money supply, to be backed by the future utilisation of our own abundant resources, we were declared a "Dependent" nation, who must borrow our money supply off those who had savings in the existing systems of Europe, those with savings in what was a class system proper, were mainly Rulers, Bankers and Industrial monopolists.
The fundamental theory was, we collectively apply our "Imported Credit" to our resources in a productive manner, we would be able to supply our own needs and export the excess for profit, we would be able to repay our debts and collectively prosper off the profits. Our dealings with the outside financiers are measured by our Balance of Payments, whether we earn more than we borrow. A surplus is no more than the room you have left before you need a 100% of income to service debt. All but 3% of our "money supply" is still borrowed offshore today.
Our "Net" debt today is $490 billion, 366% of GDP, just how much of our revenues are going to service debt, is hard to track down. We have not had a positive Balance of Payments in 163 years, we have been liquidated twice, 1961, 1984, 3 years- 1 term of heavy borrowing could well see us liquidated again.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 2-7-2008
Banking 'scam'
WORLDWIDE credit crunch, record bankruptcies/mortgagee sales, ballooning inflation – seems like the whole world, somehow, owes more money than it has the means to repay.
People have recently presented their cases for the underlying cause to the above – peak oil, over-population, etc. I would like to add mine for amicable debate.
I put it to you that we would not have been able to chew through the oil at such a rate, or increase the world population from one billion to seven in 100 years, if it were not for the over supply of money entering the system as interest-bearing debt.
Those in a worldwide movement called “Social Credit” have been trying for 70 years to alert people to the fact that the modern international banking system is a multi-layered pyramid scam that allows a bunch of privately owned central banks to loan out massive amounts of counterfeit currency at interest via a system known as “creation of credit” and devious capital adequacy requirements.
Until recent times, the banks' to suppress interest, ignored these allegations and ridiculed the accusers, but due to the increasing weight of evidence brought to light, both the New Zealand Bankers Association and the Reserve Bank have acknowledged the process and set about trying to defend it as “generally accepted worldwide best practice” and I put it to you that if more people do not investigate international banking practice, it could well be again.
Taranaki Daily News 23-4-2008
Infrastructure crumbling
Throughout the world, common peoples are attacking each other, confused by the blame deffering propaganda from those colluding to exploit them all. New Zealand heads down this familiar path.
Legitimate citizens and businesses being squeezed to subsidise the net takers, non-reinvestors, who although well fewer in number, take a lion's share of resources and profits.
The most impacting example is so simple, if not so serious, it's laughable, but if not changed, nothing will. As our communal infrastructure crumbles, more of the legitimate people's increasing tax burden is going to service debt obligations to a group of “private” corporate banks that masquerade as “public” serving institutes, collectively known as the “Central Banking Network”.
Although they try to conceal it, these central banks are controlling stakeholders of all public listed “commercial” banks. Their Fractional Prudential Reserve banking regulations for commercial banks are purposely flawed, allowing commercial banks to loan out many times more capital than they have cover for, inevitably leading to liquidity problems.
Their bosses, the central banks, then get to “create” massive amounts of what is called “sovereign” dollars out of nothing, to lend at interest to the nation whose bank system is about to fail. The only thing that gives this money any value is our pledge to repay it out of future taxes as what are called “Government Bond's and Treasury Bill's”. There are currently a worldwide minimum $45 trillion of Govt Bond's in existance. Any party that does not address this hoax, is a hoax.
Iain Parker
Taranaki Daily News 5-2007
Forum time at issue
RE ARTICLE 15/5/07 – Forum may show interest of ratepayers. Stratford council CEO Michael Freeman implies that if not many ratepayers turn up to rate inquiry meetings held at 9:30am on a Thursday, there may not be many concerned about the huge annual increases of local government taxes.
There is a saying “history is a game played by the few over the heads of the many.” Throughout history exploitive elements have removed the many from the game by reducing their participation by cunning.
At 9:30am, most common ratepayers are hard at work trying to scrape together enough to pay ever increasing taxes and debt.
He again implies a lack of interest because they only received thirty submissions to the annual plan. The average commoner is that tied up in day to day survival, they know not how to explain about the impact upon society of the international monetarist system, they only know they are doing it bloody hard, no matter how much harder they work.
Private and corporate investors are monopolising NZ's residential housing stock to take advantage of us being the only developed nation without a capital gains tax. Dont expect any investors to turn up complaining about rate increases, they simply pass them on to the tenants.
The core basic decent majority in this country are currently subsidising the slave-minded exploitive at the top and the lazy exploitive at the bottom, getting squeezed for more and more, receiving less and less.
Taranaki Daily News 6-1-2007
Rates talk smells of investors
WHAT has become alarming in local and central government is the ever increasing influence of self-interested, foreign-educated, lobby group representatives who have infiltrated the institutes that provide social and economic policy advice in area's in which our elected representatives have no expertise.
The stance by most of our local mayors against a property capital gains tax smells of the same tutoring that is being given by international monetarists that have had the ear of our current and past central finance ministers.
In 2001, the OECD advised the school teacher come non-commissioned economist, Michael Cullen, to introduce a capital gains tax, warning that if we remained the only country in the developed world not to tax the buying and selling of residential roperty for profit, we would become a tax-haven for property investors from throughout the world and the average Kiwi would not be able to buy a family home in his own country.
Dr Cullen disagreed, saying “to do such a thing in New Zealand would be political suicide”.
Five years on, house prices have increased exponentially, ownership rates have dropped as investors monopolise the market and families are selling because they cant service mortgages, increased rates and living cost's on lagging wages.
This distortion has snookered our economy. If the Reserve Bank puts up interest rates to curb the distorted housing market, it attracts foreign exchange investors, pushing our dollar higher, stifling exports.
The average New Zealander is becoming enslaved by interest-bearing debt.
Iain Parker
South Taranaki Star 21-9-2006
EDITOR: Anyone that has ever suspected Parliament of being a system rigged for the exploitive elements from New Zealand and throughout the world, to be able to pilfer from the majority of hard working decent buggers, has had their fears confirmed beyond doubt in the weeks just gone.
Last weeks columns by Labour's Jill Pettis and National's Chester Burrows both argue that their party's are the least corrupt of a corrupt bunch, Chester especially implying that we should not be concerned about the unscrupulous going's on that are becoming more evident by the day, as Parliament's best kept secret is actually how well the party's get on behind the scenes, and “that were the real currency of politics is traded”.
I must congratulate Chester on his honesty because, if I have learned anything in my studies, it is just how close the underlying policies of the two main party's are.
Many MP's of both party's belong to the same international institutes, founded and funded by the worlds largest banking empires, which have no social conscience.
Throughout history, they have prospered from every social situation; peace, war, communism, capitalism – it matters not to them, as commerce continues behind the scenes even when nations are at war or of opposing religious ideologies.
Behind the scenes, they are coercing and influencing more and more of our social and economic policy, much of which the public doesnt even know about, let alone get consulted on.
And Chester, I dont see it as contempt for the electorate, as you put it.
I see it as social and economic treason. I suggest, Chester, you study the history of currency and banking, its impact upon the working class commoners – and even you, if you have a conscience, might admit that you would not want a large majority of New Zealand's finance and accounting fraternity as your mates, let alone your leaders.
Iain Parker
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