New Zealand has had a chronic ongoing historical foreign borrowing balance of payment crisis since 1833. I don't think I can possibly do anymore in the way of official on the record documentation to show the New Zealand citizens and businesses of honest enterprise they are being absolutely scammed and ripped off by foreign bankers that are stealing under false pretences the commonwealth assets and in most cases atleast 50 odd percent of purchasing power from income of New Zealander's.
British colonial-heritage private central banking network funding pathways;
Official Bank of England Central Banking Handbook makes very clear New Zealand's place in the scheme;
International And Local Level Lending Practice Secrecy
Centre For Central Banking Studies Bank of England
Primary Dealers In Government Securities Markets
Handbooks In Central Banking No6 1996
Pg 6-7
1 General
The basic objective of a government debt manager is to cover the government's borrowing needs as cheaply as possible....There are several ways of trying to achieve this but many OECD countries appoint a group of highly qualified financial firms to play a role as specialist intermediaries in the government securities markets between the authorities on the one hand and the market on the other. These are generally called primary dealers - as for example in. the United States - but they are sometimes referred to simply as market-makers. In the government securities market in the United Kingdom they are known as gilt-edged market-makers (or GEMMS - the term "gilt-edged" is used to describe government securities), while in France they are called specialists in Treasury securities (SVTs). In this Handbook the terms "primary dealer" and "market- maker" are used largely without distinction.
In return for a set of obligations, such as making continuous bid and offer prices in marketable government securities or submitting reasonable bids in the auctions, these firms receive a set of privileges in the market. The nature and content of these obligations and privileges varies greatly from country to country. In some cases there are firms which play the role of primary dealers without formal official recognition but nevertheless with a degree of official encouragement.
2 International practice
Primary dealers have existed for some time, for example in Canada, France, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. These countries all use official recognition as an incentive: it is granted under specific conditions and the "licence" thus created is reviewed from time to time. Ireland has recently introduced this system as appropriate to the stage of development of its market.
By contrast, in Australia, Germany, Japan, Netherlands and New Zealand there are no formally designated primary dealers, although in these countries a group of firms do collaborate in the allocation and proper development of the market in an informal way.
A Flaw in the Monetary System -
How the system funds itself;
First of all - the Bank of England is one of the senior most international financial institutions recently made this amazing - amazing historical admission in its March 2014 quarterly bulletin that what they tell government officials about how the private central banking network funds itself has been a lie;
• This article explains how the majority of money in the modern economy is created by commercial banks making loans.
• Money creation in practice differs from some popular misconceptions — banks do not act simply as intermediaries, lending out deposits that savers place with them, and nor do they ‘multiply up’ central bank money to create new loans and deposits.
• Rather than banks receiving deposits when households save and then lending them out, bank lending creates deposits.
Page 2
Two misconceptions about money creation
The vast majority of money held by the public takes the form of bank deposits. But where the stock of bank deposits comes from is often misunderstood. One common misconception is that banks act simply as intermediaries, lending out the deposits that savers place with them.......Saving does not by itself increase the deposits or ‘funds available’ for banks to lend.
Indeed, viewing banks simply as intermediaries ignores the fact that, in reality in the modern economy, commercial banks are the creators of deposit money. This article explains how, rather than banks lending out deposits that are placed with them, the act of lending creates deposits — the reverse of the sequence typically described in textbooks.(3)
Another common misconception is that the central bank determines the quantity of loans and deposits in the economy by controlling the quantity of central bank money — the so-called ‘money multiplier’.......In reality, neither are reserves a binding constraint on lending, nor does the central bank fix the amount of reserves that are available. As with the relationship between deposits and loans, the relationship between reserves and loans typically operates in the reverse way to that described in some economics textbooks.
Page 2
Two misconceptions about money creation
The vast majority of money held by the public takes the form of bank deposits. But where the stock of bank deposits comes from is often misunderstood. One common misconception is that banks act simply as intermediaries, lending out the deposits that savers place with them.......Saving does not by itself increase the deposits or ‘funds available’ for banks to lend.
Indeed, viewing banks simply as intermediaries ignores the fact that, in reality in the modern economy, commercial banks are the creators of deposit money. This article explains how, rather than banks lending out deposits that are placed with them, the act of lending creates deposits — the reverse of the sequence typically described in textbooks.(3)
Another common misconception is that the central bank determines the quantity of loans and deposits in the economy by controlling the quantity of central bank money — the so-called ‘money multiplier’.......In reality, neither are reserves a binding constraint on lending, nor does the central bank fix the amount of reserves that are available. As with the relationship between deposits and loans, the relationship between reserves and loans typically operates in the reverse way to that described in some economics textbooks.
Banking in New Zealand Fourth Edition - published by the New Zealand Bankers Association in 2006 - makes it very clear that presently every dollar of currency circulating in New Zealand's money system originates as an interest bearing loan owed to a private owned lending institution that supplies brand new currency and not already existing currency they act as a middleman organiser for. There is no third party, ultimately only the lender and the banking institution that sits at the end of the wholesale credit supply discount chain.
New Zealand's money system is presently administered by an international private central banking network - of which currently sits at the end of a wholesale credit liquidity discount interest chain - an accountancy system of credit weighed against available natural resources - as opposed to the re-lending of already existing pools of liquidity as often portrayed - Chapter 4 - The Creation of Money and Credit - is especially enlightening;
what Actually Happens in reality, although the process outlined in the previous sections could occur, cash balances in bank vaults no longer act as a constraint on bank lending in the way that they might have up until the latter part of the 20th century.......
in such an environment, there is still scope for a bank to expand its lending and create credit, but it is dependent on there being net inflows of funds into the banking system as a whole. These inflows of funds may come from depositors from outside new Zealand (and we have seen significant inflows of funds from such sources in recent years), or from the government making net deposits of funds into the banking system (through its fiscal policy, as outlined below).
We also have a situation where, since 1985, new Zealand banks have not had any specific reserve requirements applied to their deposit liabilities. This means that, in theory, banks could keep on creating credit and expanding their loan portfolios indefinitely. in such an environment, it is the cost of credit, based upon the costs that banks have to pay to raise the deposits, that becomes the constraint on the quantity of credit that is created.
New Zealand money system contracted out to private bankers;
The contracting out of central banking in New Zealand by its public money system administration authority - the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) - to the international private central banking network - represented in New Zealand by the New Zealand Debt Management Office (NZDMO) that operates under the umbrella of the New Zealand Treasury advisers - is acknowledged by New Zealand Treasury in official document here;
18 February 2008
The New Zealand Debt Management Office (NZDMO) will be assuming responsibility for the tendering of New Zealand Government Bonds and Treasury Bills from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ). The transfer will be a staged process that will take place over the next two months. This follows many years of the RBNZ acting as an agent for the NZDMO.
In New Zealand the Minister of Finance has the power to borrow on behalf of the government. The day-to-day operations arising from this authority have been delegated to the New Zealand Debt Management Office (NZDMO), a unit of the Treasury since 1988.
Insight into New Zealand Debt Management Office (NZDMO)
Many politicians in New Zealand are one or two social issue lobbyists that are completely financial system illiterate and very dependent upon second hand advice - so the concerns for the nation are obvious when that advice is coming from people educated from textbooks that have now been admitted at the very highest level of financial academia too have been in many cases been completely misleading in regards to the internal dynamics of the role of credit and currency within a money system. The snowball effect of this is demonstrated below in this RBNZ video;
New Zealand Parliament officially sanctioned secrecy;
The identity of the foreign Wholesale Credit Liquidity Providers that supply our entire currency in circulation as interest bearing loans for all production and consumption - thus making our national debt as a whole mathematically unrepayable and natural abundance will never be able to head off the compounding interest hurdle as they tell us it will - is kept secret by this parliamentary legislation meaning you will not even be told when asking under the Official Information Act here;
Statement of reasons
This notice, which comes into force on the day after the date of its notification in the Gazette, amends the Securities Act (Crown Wholesale Debt Securities) Exemption Notice 2004 (the principal notice) to extend the expiry date of the principal notice from 31 August 2009 to 31 August 2014. The principal notice exempts the Crown, and certain other offerors of specified debt securities, from regulation 7A(1) and clause 5(1)(b) of Schedule 3D of the Securities Regulations 1983. These provisions relate to the content of investment statements.
The Securities Commission considers it appropriate that the principal notice be renewed because the reasons justifying the original exemptions remain valid. They are as follows:
where Part 2 of the Securities Act 1978 applies to an offer of previously allotted securities to the public, both the person offering the securities and the original allotter of the securities have a responsibility for the offer as issuers. In this case, the more relevant information for disclosure to investors is about the Crown. Information about the wholesale investors (being the persons offering the securities) as issuers may not be useful to the retail investors and may also be confusing. The conditions of the exemption from regulation 7A(1) of the Securities Regulations 1983 require potential investors to be advised that the offerors remain legally responsible as issuers:
the investment statements for the offers of debt securities to the public made by the wholesale investors are prepared by the Crown. The exemptions in the principal notice recognise that certain information relating to the wholesale investors is not available to the Crown at the time the investment statement is prepared. The exemptions enable information to be given to investors in a form other than the investment statement, so long as it is given prior to subscription.
Interest Trap (Debt Based Monetary System) - this video encapsulates what is essentially the simple history of New Zealand - only it is not gold the foreign bankers claim gives value to the credit they type into their accounts - they then give back to us in the form of interest bearing loans to circulate as the entire currency of our money system - but it is the value of our very own efforts and assets weighed up as collateral that does;
In regards to the Trans Pacific Trade Agreement that the New Zealand Government are currently negotiating in secret - those that are not familiar with the law making process of New Zealand Parliament and think that TPP can be stopped after the Cabinet Executive signs it - learn this below - in regards to the stages that the International Finance Agreement Amendment Bill went through parliament that made International Monetary Fund financial regulation changes become automatic New Zealand financial system law without any longer passing through Parliament. In the main House of Representatives of Parliament the voting power obviously sits with the current Government and the voting power of the select committees to which citizens make submissions for or against suggested law changes are a mirror of voting power in the main House of Representatives - thus when any new law change is presented by the current government it very-very rarely ever gets changed after all the 'so-called' 'steps of parliamentary scrutiny' - no matter how many people object at the select committee submission stage; can watch it on Parliament TV if you want to watch the pathetic disregard for our economic sovereignty that all present economic executives of every party currently has;
Read here pitiful Finance and Expenditure Select Committee report that so meekly gave our economic sovereignty and take note of the names on that committee!
The foreword to this 2007 New Zealand Auditor-General report Effectiveness of the New Zealand Debt Management Office. makes very clear how dependent upon second-hand advice the New Zealand public service are and - how susceptible to being mislead that they are;
The New Zealand Debt Management Office (NZDMO) is a unit within the Treasury. It is responsible for the efficient management of the Crown’s debt and associated financial assets within an appropriate risk management framework. Its broader responsibilities include providing capital market advice and financial transaction services to other agencies of the Crown. NZDMO manages gross debt of about $40,000 million and financial assets of approximately $18,000 million.
In carrying out a performance audit of NZDMO, my overall objective was to determine NZDMO’s level of performance, under the authority of the Minister of Finance, in managing the Crown’s public debt and financial asset portfolios.
Given the specialist technical functions of NZDMO, I sought expert technical assistance with the audit. I appointed KPMG under section 33(1) of the Public Audit Act 2001 to carry out the performance audit on my behalf under section 16(1) of the Act.
The material in my audit report is of a very technical nature because of the specialist functions are undertaken by NZDMO. The non-technical reader can be assured that the audit did not identify any fundamental concerns with the performance of NZDMO.
Please just type - KPMG fines - into Google search - read the many cases of financial fraud that KPMG and the often referred to 'big four' global accountancy houses have been involved in and - then please consider how prudent it is to be taking second-hand auditing advice from them upon financial system issues so crucial to the equal economic opportunity of our society?
20 February 2012 Deirdre Kent put this Official Information Act question to New Zealand Minister of Statistics;
- Despite the fact that section prices tripled in fifteen years to 2007, land is not now included in the Consumer Price Index. This means that the official measure of inflation is unreliable as it is far lower than the actual figure.
and received this reply;
Today I received a letter back from the Minister of Statistics, Hon Maurice Williamson. I had heard that land went out of the CPI but couldn’t remember when or why so I sent in an Official Information request. The Minister dates the letter 14 Mar 2012 and says Dear Ms KentThank you for your letter of 20 February regarding the exclusion of the price of land from the Consumers Price Index (CPI) basket of goods.I am advised by Statistics New Zealand that land (i.e. residential section) was included in the CPI until the June 1999 quarter. Following a review of the CPI in 1997 land was excluded, taking effect from the September 1999 quarter.The 1997 review by an external advisory committee confirmed the CPI’s main purpose as being informing monetary policy setting, and that the CPI should be focussed on the concept of acquisition. The reason given for excluding land from the CPI from 1999 was that it was considered to represent the investment component of home ownership (with dwellings representing the shelter component).The September 1999 quarter CPI information release explained it as follows: A dwelling provides shelter over a long period of time. Over time land is not consumed and so can be considered to represent the investment component of home ownership. As investment expenses are outside the scope of the CPI the rebased CPI excludes expenditure on residential sections.Information on the sale of land is available from QV ( and the Real Estate Insititute of New Zealand ( trust this information meets your needs and thank you again for taking the time to write.Yours sincerely Hon Maurice WilliamsonMinister of Statistics.
BoE boss wants house prices in inflation this is Money22 July 2007, 12:00amThe Governor of the Bank of England has admitted he is ‘surprised’ that rising house prices are not included in the official inflation figures, according the BBC.Mervyn King told Radio 4’s Money Box programme that he wished the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) – the measure that tracks the cost of goods and services – did include house prices, as the previous official measure, the Retail Price Index (RPI), used to. He said: ‘Some of these issues are controversial. I wish it did include housing, but it doesn’t – at least at present. Maybe one day it will.’Since 1997 Mr King and the Monetary Policy Committee at the Bank of England has had the task of keeping the CPI around a target of 2%. It has raised interest as a method to reduce inflation if prices climb too sharply.However, critics have said that because the CPI does not include the cost of mortgage repayments, official inflation figures are artificially low. Some say this has created a bubble in the property market as house buyers are able to over-borrow with cheap loans.Currently the CPI stands at 2.4%, but the RPI – which includes mortgage repayments – stands at 4.4%.Economists expect the Bank of England to raise interest rates to 6% by September, something that could prove a problem for some homeowners struggling with large mortgages.Mr King said: ‘CPI is meant to be constructed in the same manner in all European countries, and so far the European statisticians have not worked out a way of how they can calculate the cost of housing in a way that can be done uniformly across Europe.’Notwithstanding the limitations of the CPI, Mr King defended the record of the Bank of England in setting rates. He said: ‘The track record is pretty good, so if we have made wrong decisions from time to time, there can’t have been very many of them and they can’t have been that wrong.’ ‘The Monetary Policy Committee I think was well designed. I think it’s been successful for 10 years and I see no reason to believe that it cannot be successful for another 10 years and decades after that.’
Anybody having taken the time to read this irrefutable on the record official document proof of - the crime of Fraudulent Conveyance of Predatory Lending of Counterfeit Credit - by the Anglo-Saxon Heritage Private Central Banking Network that we are suffering and - then chooses to remain silent on the most contributing factor of the ever growing external and internal inequities within our society - is undeniably committing an act of tyranny against wider society - plain and simple!
Any political party that can not articulate an evidence supported case for or against the foreign private authority over the nations accountancy of credit and issuance of currency - that includes the undeniable - admitted at the very highest levels from on the record official documents of how the current monetary system truly works - should remain unelectable!
Almost forgot! don't wont to cause depression by showing only the core causing fraud of most of the ever growing financial problems of society without offering my findings of the best historical evidence of the highest order of what needs reforming from the ground up in order to deliver equal economic opportunity from the ground up within natural boundaries;
Flawed statistic methodologies designed to make things appear that they better than they actually are – Employment stats and Consumer Price Index Interest Inflation Rate Targeting;
7 - Bogus employment statistics
- On the 8th November 2004 I sent an e-mail to Steve Maharay, the then Minister for Social Development and Employment, asking him what the minimum number of hours you have to have worked in a week to be deemed to be employed?
-On the 3rd December I received a reply from Steve Maharey;
Dear Iain
Thank you for your e-mail 8th November 2004 concerning the definition of employment.
For benefit purposes section 3 of the Social Securities Act 1064 defines "employment" as paid employment.
The Social Security Act also defines full employment and part-time work as;
Full employment or part-time, in relation to any person, means-
(a)employment under contract or service or apprenticeship which requires the person to work, whether on time or piece rates, no less than an average of 30 hours each week; or
(b)self-employment of the person in any business, profession, trade, manufacture, or undertaking carried on for pecuniary profit for no less than an average of 30 hours each week; or
(c)employment of the person for any number of hours which is regarded as full-time employment for the purposes of any award, agreement, or contract relating to that employment.
part-time work[...]means work that averages not less than 15 hours a week when calculated over the preceding 3 months...
(a)under a contract of service, whether on time or piece rates ; or
(b)as a self-employed person in any business, profession, trade, manufacture, or undertaking.
I trust this has been helpful.
Yours sincerely
Steve Maharay
Minister for Social Development and Employment.
-To which I replied 3rd December 2004;
Thanks for replying to my question.
What I am really wishing to know is, what is the minimum number of hours a person would of had to of worked, in any fashion deemed to be work, before they are deemed able to be presented to the public in government statistics, as employed.
Is it as per the statistics methods used on which explains -(a)worked for 1 hour or more for pay or profit in the context of an employee/employer relationship or selfemployed.
-I then received an e-mail 6th December 2004;
Iain, can I have your postal address so the Minister can respond to the issue you raised.
Margaret Monks
Ministerial Secretary
Office of Hon Steve Maharay
- I then supplied my postal address.
- I then received this letter in the post dated 7th December 2004;
Dear Mr Parker
On behalf of Hon Steve Maharay, Minister for Social Development and Employment, thank you for your letter 3rd December 2004 regarding employment statistics.
The matter you have raised falls within the portfolio responsibilities of the acting Minister of Statistics. I have therefore referred your letter to Hon DR Michael Cullen for his consideration.
Yours sincerely
Scott Josling
Private Secretary(Social Development)
- I then received a letter by post(not dated) from Michael Cullen;
Dear Mr Parker
Thanks for your e-mail of 3 December, enquiring about employment statistics and the definition of an employed person.
In short, the answer to your question is yes, it is as per the definition on Statistics New Zealand's website.
New Zealand's official employment counts are sourced from Statistics New Zealand's quarterly Household Labour Force Survey. In this survey, a person is deemed to be employed if they worked for 1 hour or more, for pay or profit, in the context of an employee / employer relationship, or self-employed.
This definition is used as the measurement of employment because it aligns with the standard definitions of the International Labour Organisation.
I hope this response is helpful.
Yours sincerely
Hon Michael Cullen
Acting Minister of Statistics
7 - Housing removed from CPI of New Zealand and England has allowed senior elements of the Anglo-Saxon heritage private central banking network to saturate these nations with counterfeit credit without it registering as inflationary on official inflation measurement in order to rule them via enforced bankruptcy receivership under false pretenses in order that they then use their proceeds of crime excess interest repayments received to buy up the liquidated assets at distressed prices in order to then be able to toll booth the target societies for access to their necessities of life;
- Despite the fact that section prices tripled in fifteen years to 2007, land is not now included in the Consumer Price Index. This means that the official measure of inflation is unreliable as it is far lower than the actual figure.
and received this reply;
Today I received a letter back from the Minister of Statistics, Hon Maurice Williamson. I had heard that land went out of the CPI but couldn’t remember when or why so I sent in an Official Information request. The Minister dates the letter 14 Mar 2012 and says Dear Ms KentThank you for your letter of 20 February regarding the exclusion of the price of land from the Consumers Price Index (CPI) basket of goods.I am advised by Statistics New Zealand that land (i.e. residential section) was included in the CPI until the June 1999 quarter. Following a review of the CPI in 1997 land was excluded, taking effect from the September 1999 quarter.The 1997 review by an external advisory committee confirmed the CPI’s main purpose as being informing monetary policy setting, and that the CPI should be focussed on the concept of acquisition. The reason given for excluding land from the CPI from 1999 was that it was considered to represent the investment component of home ownership (with dwellings representing the shelter component).The September 1999 quarter CPI information release explained it as follows: A dwelling provides shelter over a long period of time. Over time land is not consumed and so can be considered to represent the investment component of home ownership. As investment expenses are outside the scope of the CPI the rebased CPI excludes expenditure on residential sections.Information on the sale of land is available from QV ( and the Real Estate Insititute of New Zealand ( trust this information meets your needs and thank you again for taking the time to write.Yours sincerely Hon Maurice WilliamsonMinister of Statistics.
BoE boss wants house prices in inflation this is Money22 July 2007, 12:00amThe Governor of the Bank of England has admitted he is ‘surprised’ that rising house prices are not included in the official inflation figures, according the BBC.Mervyn King told Radio 4’s Money Box programme that he wished the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) – the measure that tracks the cost of goods and services – did include house prices, as the previous official measure, the Retail Price Index (RPI), used to. He said: ‘Some of these issues are controversial. I wish it did include housing, but it doesn’t – at least at present. Maybe one day it will.’Since 1997 Mr King and the Monetary Policy Committee at the Bank of England has had the task of keeping the CPI around a target of 2%. It has raised interest as a method to reduce inflation if prices climb too sharply.However, critics have said that because the CPI does not include the cost of mortgage repayments, official inflation figures are artificially low. Some say this has created a bubble in the property market as house buyers are able to over-borrow with cheap loans.Currently the CPI stands at 2.4%, but the RPI – which includes mortgage repayments – stands at 4.4%.Economists expect the Bank of England to raise interest rates to 6% by September, something that could prove a problem for some homeowners struggling with large mortgages.Mr King said: ‘CPI is meant to be constructed in the same manner in all European countries, and so far the European statisticians have not worked out a way of how they can calculate the cost of housing in a way that can be done uniformly across Europe.’Notwithstanding the limitations of the CPI, Mr King defended the record of the Bank of England in setting rates. He said: ‘The track record is pretty good, so if we have made wrong decisions from time to time, there can’t have been very many of them and they can’t have been that wrong.’ ‘The Monetary Policy Committee I think was well designed. I think it’s been successful for 10 years and I see no reason to believe that it cannot be successful for another 10 years and decades after that.’
Anybody having taken the time to read this irrefutable on the record official document proof of - the crime of Fraudulent Conveyance of Predatory Lending of Counterfeit Credit - by the Anglo-Saxon Heritage Private Central Banking Network that we are suffering and - then chooses to remain silent on the most contributing factor of the ever growing external and internal inequities within our society - is undeniably committing an act of tyranny against wider society - plain and simple!
Any political party that can not articulate an evidence supported case for or against the foreign private authority over the nations accountancy of credit and issuance of currency - that includes the undeniable - admitted at the very highest levels from on the record official documents of how the current monetary system truly works - should remain unelectable!
Almost forgot! don't wont to cause depression by showing only the core causing fraud of most of the ever growing financial problems of society without offering my findings of the best historical evidence of the highest order of what needs reforming from the ground up in order to deliver equal economic opportunity from the ground up within natural boundaries;
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