submission as sent;
to Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Select Committee from Iain
Parker in regards to International treaty examination of the
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA)
would like to register my evidence supported allegation that the TPPA
will not deliver the path to overcoming New Zealand's ongoing chronic
historical current account deficit that proponents of it are
would like to speak to the committee.
does not address or even mention the greatest unworthy-unwarranted
tariff any society can suffer.
tax imposed on goods and services. Tariffs are used to restrict
trade, as they increase the price of goods and services, making them
more expensive to consumers.
TPPA does not address or even mention the tariff of the entire
currency in circulation or savings within a societies money system
being originated as a loan of interest charged credit owed to lenders
outside of that society.
is the on the record from official documents admitted case in New
Zealand and many other societies - that adds much
unworthy-unwarranted cost to the day to day living of citizens within
those societies and acts as a barrier to fair trade.
societies have been conned into thinking they need to take the
natural resources they possess to an outsider pawn broker to fund
development within them - when they most certainly - if they fully
understood the fundamentals of money as a system - never needed to.
is a system in which credit and currency play very distinct roles
within a money system.
a swap of labour or goods is able to be done immediately on the spot
without any part of the deal requiring to be recorded or remembered
(credit) as needing to be completed at a time in the future - the
realm of money system has not been entered.
a contract of credit is agreed to for part of a swap of goods or
services needed to be completed at a time in the future you enter the
realms of a money system.
the contract of credit is recorded it is a promissory note.
more than two peoples enter a money system and start accepting
promissory notes as transferable IOU's among members of the money
system you have 'currency'.
that point you need to introduce a 'clearing house of credit' role
within the money system to keep an eye out that there is a
fundamental basis to all credit and currency within the money system.
if anyone is able to turn up with currency with no fundamental credit
basis (counterfeit credit) and con the other members of the money
system into accepting it as legitimate purchasing or lending power -
the counterfeiters will eventually enslave the other members of the
money system via systemic mercantile imbalance (pyramid fraud)
if left unimpeded then puts unsustainable pressure in people and the
environment (Ponzi Pyramid Fraud).
contest that there is a mountain of credible evidence from on the
record official documents that confirm that the present colonial era
money system funding structures that New Zealand still suffers are a
ponzi pyramid fraud being orchestrated by criminals that lurk within
international high finance and that the economic executive among the
political & media social protection agencies of New Zealand
society are turning a collective blind eye to the on the record
documented facts.
without any further ado - in order to prevent the committee passing
me over as a conspiracy theorist of no credible substance I present
as my first - so to speak - 'expert witness' ;
are the details of an email conversation between the Bill English New
Zealand Minister of Finance Office and a New Zealand citizen in
regards to an article about money system funding structures they had
read in a newspaper.
discussed article can be read in full at the bottom of the email
conversation transcript.
Anita Schurmann
Thursday, 4 June 2015 6:03 a.m.
Money Creation
Bill English
you are the minister of finance I recommend that you read this
article which recently appeared in the Otaki Mail.
expect you are aware that banks are allowed to create money from
nothing and lend it out at interest. In the past most people in NZ
were unaware or didn’t believe that banks did this. However, as
more and more people now understand and are realizing that this is
going on, I believe it is time to change legislation to stop this
unlawful behaviour. Money should be created for public good to
facilitate trade, and should not be under the control of private
corporations to make a profit. As you are probably aware this current
monetary system is the main reason why the world economy is in such
crisis. It is time to change the system for the good of all people.
If New Zealand takes the lead in this are the rest of the world will
most likely follow, as people throughout the world have had enough of
the corporate controlled system that is destroying our world and our
communities. Please let me know when you intend to change the law so
creation of money is under the control of the democratically elected
government rather than private companies.
of Hon Bill English
July 2015
Anita Schurmann thank you for your email 4 June 2015 in which you
raised concerns about the the Government allowing banks to create
money on their own through the system of fractional reserve banking.
system discussed in the article you refer to, is one that has been
considered at times as the role of financial institutions has
evolved. Irving Fisher suggested a possible structure and approach to
your suggestion in the Chicago Plan, eighty years ago, and there are
some theoretical advantages that may result from a system set up in
this way, including better control of business cycle fluctuations.
the transition to such a system would be hugely coomplex and is
inherently fraught with great risks. We would wnt increased certainty
and evidence regarding the benefits before change could even be
considered, and the luck of such a system in any developed market
economies makes such evidence hard to obtain.
the current monetary system allows for the provision of credit, which
serves a very important function in allowing people to smooth their
consumption over time and allowing firms to invest in productive
it is not entirely clear whether it would be possible to move to the
system outlined in the 'Chicago Plan' without an intensive global
shift in monetary regimes. If New Zealand were to be a first mover,
it is unclear what the effects would be for trade and the exchange
rate in a small, open economy.
Bill English
of Finance
is the article in full that is being discussed in the email exchange;
the Box — challenging conventional thinking and offering new
perspectives about our world
Change our Money-as-Debt Problem
Amanda Vickers June 2015
think that the most important aspect of a sovereign nation would be
for its Government to have sole rights to issue its country’s money
supply. But not so: this function has been appropriated primarily by
privately owned banks. “Whenever a bank makes a loan, it
simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank
account, thereby creating new money.” — Bank of England Quarterly
Bulletin (Q1, 2014)*
nation’s money comes in to existence through debt. As more money
enters the economy, the more debt we have (Government or private).
Counter-intuitively, what benefits the individual does not benefit
the nation as a whole. In fact, if we all repaid all our loans, there
would be 98% less money left in the economy because, as it turns out,
only ~2% of our nation’s money supply is issued by the RBNZ — as
notes and coins.
there you have it. Banks create our nation’s money supply when
credit is drawn (monetized), destroy money when loans are repaid, and
profit immensely from the interest charged on the loans. Most bank
profit is obtained from the difference between interest we pay for
these loans (created credit) and the interest they pay out for the
corresponding deposits. The four big banks in NZ were making record
profits in 2014, with ~4.3 billion dollars heading offshore to
Australia and beyond. This is hard-earned New Zealander’s money
leaving our real economy, and being transferred to the private
banking sector.
money advocates term this concept “economic rent” and claim that
private banks, seeking to maximise profits, shouldn’t be “renting”
money to Government, businesses and citizens of a free, sovereign
country. This growing money supply and these growing debts are also
secured by NZ’s assets, resources and labour force (you).
we had a Government issued money supply requiring banks to have 100%
reserves for money they lend, we would see dramatic improvements in
our economy. We could have both less debt and enough money to thrive.
The International Movement for Monetary Reform proposes just this and
has gathered a huge following since the 2008 global financial crisis.
“sovereign-money” proposal proved itself when it was modeled by
the International Monetary Fund**. Their analysis showed that the
benefits of 100% reserve banking would be: dramatically reduced
public and private (net) debt levels (because money creation no
longer requires simultaneous debt creation), better control of
business cycle fluctuations, complete elimination of bank runs,
output gains of 10% and that inflation can drop to zero without
posing problems for the conduct of monetary policy.
is great the IMF analysis has concluded something that also seems
intuitive and logical. Sovereign money advocates extrapolate further
that the outcome would also be far reaching throughout our economy
and our lives. They say it could also improve: the inequality gap,
child poverty, housing bubble control, student debt, state asset
sales, job security, local businesses performance (due to the 10%
higher output gains), budgets for local community projects and
facilities, health care and education.
not a bad outcome for one law change: 100% reserve banking. The irony
is that the law would change to how most people think it actually
works now — where our Government issues the nation’s money
supply. It simply requires updating the 1844 Bank Charter Act, which
forbade banks from printing notes. If only they’d included
something to prevent ledger balance accounting tricks, creating
credit — which they have done to this very day!
obstacle is the general lack of understanding about how the monetary
system really works by both the public and many politicians. There is
also a fair amount of inertia and political resistance to the reform.
The change is a big one, so is therefore daring and challenging. Some
politicians fear sovereign money because it may affect NZ’s
Standard and Poor’s (S&Ps) credit rating. S&Ps may mistrust
the Government thinking they would simply issue too much money too
easily, causing an inflationary crisis, creating a currency
devaluation, which would in turn affect trade.
the importance of “why” we should address a problem, motivates
people to find the “how”. Money reform advocates found it was not
rocket science. Their solution could work in much the same way that
the RBNZ independently oversees monetary policy now. A democratic,
transparent and accountable body (Monetary Policy Committee) could
independently separate the function of money issuance from money
spending. They would be tasked with the role private banks have now:
creating and destroying the nation’s money supply. This could be
done exactly as needed — debt free — within inflationary limits.
Our government would also have greater control over where and how our
money is spent, and would be able to steer the economy with greater
a thought: if this scenario was already the status quo, and it was
now proposed to turn our nations’ money supply over to commercial
corporations (banks), whose mandate it is to maximise profit, as
debt-based money, there would be pandemonium on the streets!
is an abstract concept — designed by humans to serve humanity’s
needs. Let’s make it do this well. It is not a law of nature to
have a debt-backed money system: it can be redesigned. The present
design is not working well, and as Albert Einstein said, “insanity
is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different
support politicians embracing sovereign money and share this
information — an excellent source of further material is Positive
Money NZ (www.positivemoney.org.nz), the NZ chapter of the
International Movement for Monetary Reform
reality of how money is created today differs from the description
found in some economics textbooks. Money creation in practice differs
from some popular misconceptions — banks do not act simply as
intermediaries, lending out deposits that savers place with them, and
nor do they ‘multiply up’ central bank money to create new loans
and deposits.” — Bank of England. However, the result is similar:
when making loans, new money enters the economy, whichever method one
has been taught)
of exibit 1
I would hope I may now have gained your attention?
you already knew of the shortcomings of the colonial era money system
funding structures that we still suffer in our nation and that there
exists viable alternatives worthy of consideration – yet go on to
support a contractual agreement that entrenches deeper into law the
clear and evident pyramid fraud aspects of the nations colonial era
money system funding structures that we still suffer – your motives
have to be questioned.
you do not fully understand the impact upon society of the present
colonial money system funding structures that we still suffer – but
are thinking of voting to sign New Zealand into TPPA based upon some
blind faith ransom demand response to threats of economic isolation
from the post World War 2 'club of nations' to whom we belong –
please examine the following very thoroughly.
Parker's Ideal Alternative Economic Advisory Panel
2015 as the world seems to be reversing back into a
selfish-slave-minded-feudal-commercial-pyramid-fraud-ideology away
from learned behaviours of common decency.
parents consider allowing their children being sent off to kill each
other en masse – please take the time to read the findings and
suggested more
of these senior most international level Bankers – Academics –
Regulators – who have integrity and are using their knowledge
trying to prevent the breakdown of civilised society.
people are not path of least resistance - ego preserving apologists
for what they have played a part in - they are proven advocates for
true reform of the presently failed money system funding structures
of the world.
C Korten
David C. Korten worked for more than thirty-five years in preeminent
business, academic, and international development institutions.
Served for five and a half years as a faculty member of the Harvard
University Graduate School of Business, where he taught in Harvard’s
middle management, MBA, and doctoral programs. Asia regional adviser
on development management to the U.S. Agency for International
Development before he turned away from the establishment to work
exclusively with public interest citizen-action groups.
summary of his findings in this video;
detailed written summary here;
-2015- Senior Fellow of the Institute For New Economic Thinking.
to September 2008 Lord Turner was a non-executive Director at
Standard Chartered Bank, United British Media and Siemens; from
2000-2006 he was Vice-Chairman of Merrill Lynch Europe, and from
1995-99, Director General of the Confederation of British Industry.
He was with McKinsey & Co. from 1982 to 1995, building McKinsey’s
practice in Eastern Europe and Russia as a Director. He was
previously Chair of the Overseas Development Institute (2007-10).
Turner studied History and Economics at Gonville and Caius College,
Cambridge from 1974-78.
Case for Monetary Finance – An Essentially. Political Issue
Truth About Banking: Former Top Regulator Speaks Out
Turner's book challenges the belief that private credit is essential
to growth and fiat money is inevitably dangerous. The author argues
that debt needs to be taxed as a form of economic pollution because
most credit is not needed for economic growth and just drives real
estate booms and busts and leads to financial crisis and depression.
The author also debunks the big myth about fiat money—the erroneous
notion that printing money will lead to harmful inflation. He
believes that policy makers need to monetize government debt and
finance fiscal deficits with central-bank money to overcome the mess
that is created by past policy errors.
JP Morgan Managing Director says entirely compounding interest
attached money system has out grown boundaries of the biosphere and
is mathematically unsustainable!
John Fullerton;
an 18-year career at JP Morgan, John managed multiple capital markets
and derivatives businesses around the globe, and finally ran the
venture investment activity of Lab Morgan as Chief Investment
Officer. He was JP Morgan’s representative on the Long Term Capital
Oversight Committee in 1997-98. John is currently a director of the
New Economics Institute, Investors’ Circle, New Day Farms, Inc.,
and an Advisor to Natural Systems Utilities. He is a
participant/author of the UNEP Green Economy Report. John earned a BA
in Economics at the University of Michigan, and an MBA at the Stern
School of New York University’s in the Executive MBA Program.
interview here;
“ I
learned that a lot of what we practiced in finance through no ill
intent, this is unrelated to the financial crisis, and the ethical
challenges of the financial system, but that the system itself is
designed to propel growth in the economic system with no regard to
the physical boundaries of the planet and with little regard to the
social criteria, social constraints of human well being and so it
struck me that a lot of the symptoms that we talk about such as
climate change obviously being on top of everyone’s agenda, but
ecosystem degradation, soil degradation, biodiversity loss. All of
these issues are symptoms of an economic system that is essentially
bumping into the boundaries of the biosphere, and if you think about
finance and even our money system, which is built on a money system
which is created through expanding money that has interest
associated, so as the money supply grows the requirement to service
money grows at a compound rate. That forces at a systemic level the
economy to continue growing which if the economy is related to
material throughput eventually creates this conflict with the
boundaries of the biosphere. So its been a very profound realisation
and what I have discovered is that there are an increasing amount of
people thinking about this question, but its very much outside the
halls of conventional economics and very much new economic thinking.”
Road To Regenerative Capitalism
Hudson is a former balance-of-payments economist for Chase Manhattan
Bank and Arthur Andersen, and economic futurist for the Hudson
Institute (no relation).
in 1939, Chicago, Illinois, USA is research professor of Economics at
University of Missouri, Kansas City (UMKC). He is also a Wall Street
analyst and consultant as well as president of The Institute for the
Study of Long-term Economic Trends (ISLET) and a founding member of
International Scholars Conference on Ancient Near Eastern Economies
advisor to the U.S., Canadian, Mexican and Latvian governments, to
the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), and
he is president of the Institute for the Study of Long-term Economic
Trends (ISLET).
Back in the 1960s, I ( Michael Hudson )was Chase Manhattan Bank’s
balance of payments analyst, and my job was to focus on the Latin
American countries: Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, and my job was to
calculate how much of a balance of payments surplus they could
generate, and the idea of the bank marketing department was the
entire economic surplus could be used to pay debt service to the
seven major Americam banks.
And pretty quickly we found out that there wasn’t any surplus to
pay the banks, and there was an international department that got
very upset because he said “Look, I get promoted for making loans,
and the real estate guys are making all the loans, you’re telling
us they can’t afford to repay!” And he took it up to David
Rockefeller, we went across the street to the Federal Reserve bank,
and the Federal Reserve bank said “It’s in America’s interest
to make these loans to Latin America. Mr. Hudson, according to your
calculations, Britain can’t afford to replay any more.” “That’s
right. I don’t see any way in which it can get the money to repay
the debt.” And the Federal Reserve man said “Ah! But did you take
into account the fact that the US Treasury is always going to lend
Britain the money to pay? We will never let it go down.” I said,
“Well, that’s a deus ex machina from outside the system. Yes, you
can lend them the money to repay.”
of interview with Michael Hudson former Chase Manhattan Global Bank
Balance of Payments Analyst - How Financial Parasites and Debt
Bondage Destroy the Global Economy.
financial system regulator of the highest knowledge and integrity who
knows what needs to be kept an eye on.
Black jailed 1000 odd bankers in the US back in 1980's when they
committed the same crimes they did during the 2008 global mass
counterfeit credit crisis - for which hardly any of the frauds have
been brought to justice.
is the prime cause of the massive inequality in the world that is now
leading to massive civil unrest.
are also my own articles in regards the impact of criminal banking
sector activity upon New Zealand - helped very much by having
discovered and followed the works of the above linked banking
insiders turned reform advocates for over a decade now;
Public Credit Public Policy Submission
whom it may concern,
to form public policy for equal economic opportunity of all citizens
without a full knowledge of the function of money as invented and
intended - that this submission details - is doing so by looking at
1/3 of a many piece puzzle forced together in frustrated confusion -
thinking its complete - when 2/3 of the picture needed in the middle
to make clear sense of it all - is in-fact one large piece that has
been hidden by a self serving few to steal from wider society under
false pretenses.
New Zealand Money System De-Fib Documentary - Giving a jolt to the
heart of an ailing democracy.
global economy based more upon thieving & killing of many for the
profits of a few - than sharing & caring for the greater common
good of humanity within boundaries of sustainable resources - I
contest is a cancerous tumor threatening the survival of the progress
of learned behaviours of common decency over self destructive animal
instincts - is in great need of the checks and balances detailed in
this article linked below for the very same reasons evidenced in the
Committee - Once taking in the evidence from 'expert witnesses' of
the highest order above - please then read the summaries of the
financial regulation related chapters of TPPA written by the US Trade
Representatives displayed below – then please explain to the people
of New Zealand just how – under such terms and conditions of
colonial era money system funding structure that we still suffer –
that growth can ever exceed the cost of debt that we are forced to
take on to try and achieve the growth? If you can not – you should
not be voting for the TPPA and I contest it is clear and evident the
contract contains financial system Trojan horses from which further
financial parasites will emerge;
Trade Representatives TPPA Website
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