Sunday, 17 November 2013

Greatest risk and senior most balance sheet at the core of any money system.

The basis of most all human enterprise is the conversion of raw natural resources into consumables - of which there is two kinds - the necessities of life and the wants of life.

The greatest risk and senior most balance sheet at the core of any money system - that no amount of abusive creative accountancy can overcome - without being found out by catastrophic results - is the actuarial accountancy of credit that ascertains if there is enough real value to warrant new purchasing power - represented as currency - being issued into circulation - when weighed against sustainable natural resource collateral to back it. 

The state credit and currency should be administered as a clear asset to the state in the process of converting birthright commonwealth natural resources into necessity of life and essential economic infrastructure as the primary economic base - so the states national currency will be spent into existence - not lent into existence - the money system where all credit is administered by private banks and hired out at interest to the state should be abolished.

Domestic commercial banks should intermediate loans of already circulating state national currency - this allows the necessity of life and essential economic infrastructure to remain in public hands to be supplied as a public service - at cost - without the impost of private bank demanded compounding interest being attached – this means localised domestic money systems could again exist as they did prior to Anglo-Saxon heritage private controlled international central banking network dominance – at users own risk of course - without being deemed illegal against the state national interest – literally.

Having had first balanced your state economy internally to be the best it can be for as many as possible - within the boundaries and balances of natural resources and population - you then trade what you have surplus to your own needs to obtain what you cant supply yourself - via bi-lateral currency exchange agreements or barter exchange. 

Do away with the one 'most trusted' reserve currency middleman system - as the said convenience has turned out to be nothing but bait in a trap – as you had to give the controllers of that middleman reserve currency - control of the actuarial accountancy of your credit - which if entirely interest bearing loan based - ends in their interest bearing debt getting exchanged into your money system - to circulate as your currency - more to their benefit than yours – with your state absurdly putting its natural resource public assets and citizens labour up as security for the foreign loans circulating as currency in your money system.

Presently around the world - not only are state publicly owned banks practicing Fully Functioning Public Credit Money Systems - quite common - but those states with strong public banking sectors have generally had stabler economies. 

According to an Inter-American Development Bank paper presented in 2005 - the percentage of state ownership in the banking industry globally in the mid-nineties was over 40 percent. The BRIC countries—Brazil - Russia - India - China - contain nearly three billion of the world’s seven billion people or 40% of the global population. The BRIC all make heavy use of public sector banks - which compose about 75% of the banks in India, 69% or more in China, 45% in Brazil, and 60% in Russia - you can add to that list South Africa - Argentina - Japan - Iran - Hungary. These nations have been more unstable the more influence they have allowed the Anglo-Saxon heritage entirely interest bearing - private loan based money system to encroach on their economy and - many times they did not allow - but had it forced upon them.

All nations of Anglo-Saxon heritage - England - America - Canada - Australia have at times in very recent history - as history goes - practiced Fully Functioning Public Credit Money Systems - at which time they have enjoyed no greater wide spread prosperity - New Zealand has used its powers of public credit twice in their short history - for very short periods - 1845 Fitzroy Promissory Notes & 1935 first Labour Government funding of the start of the 1936 State Housing project - crediting its own account backed by the income producing assets that the currency spent into circulation would enable to occur – after paid workers had converted raw available natural resources into houses the state would own and be able to rent out at minimal cost and still make a profit. No nation of Anglo-Saxon heritage currently take up the sovereign right of their sovereign powers of public credit.

Any New Zealand political body of sufficient influence - that seriously pursued taking up the sovereign right of powers of public credit - as in my opinion they should - would need and should seek - the assistance of the growing number of high level insiders of the current failed international financial system structures who still have a conscience and - have for many years - swimming against the tide - bravely began to expose the systemic nature of those failings and - push for reform of the international financial system from the ground up - in an attempt to counter the private ownership of everything is good for everyone - delusion - that has been swallowed as unchallenged orthodoxy – most by hook – fewer by crook – by most every public servant of influence and senior media commentator in the nation at the present time.

Below are these people and - what are - in my opinion - their seminal documents - that I would refer to any public servant and media commentator - really wishing to act in the wider public interest - to read as soon as possible;

In memory of Vincent C Vickers - who administered the global high finance pyramid scam on behalf of the ultra-inter-generational-wealth-families of Europe - from 1910 - 1919 and - who wrote this document in the year of his death from illness in 1939 - in which he warned of his concerns for the future of civilisation if the private interests remained in control of the administration of credit & currency given that they had discovered that the venture most profitable to them was war - thus if the status quo remained increasing debt fueled wars and systemic growing inequality would be what the world suffers.

David C Korten – 35 years global high finance – Harvard phd lecturer - How to Liberate America from Wall Street – which could easily be – How to Liberate the World from Wall Street;

Michael Hudson – former Chase Manhatten balance of payment analyst who quit when discovering he was part of a massive predatory lending pyramid scam – the section of this paper re Fraudulent Conveyance of Predatory Debt – is a must read;

Stephen Zarlenga - in 1996 - cofounded the American Monetary Institute (AMI), which promotes the independent study of monetary history, theory, and reform and has been its director since then. He is the author of the groundbreaking book the Lost Science of Money subtitled The Mythology of Money – The Story of Power in which he calls into question and challenges the basis, and Achilles’ heel, of American Capitalism: the private control and resulting misdirection of the nation’s monetary system. This book started the modern movement for monetary reform in America. Based on this research, the American Monetary Act was developed to reform our nation’s money system.

Adair Turner – Former head of the UK Financial Stability Authority formed after the 2007 global financial crisis – says that - Overt Money Financing – of government funding by way of public credit banking is a legitimate policy solution;

Ben Dyson - in 2010 - founded Positive Money UK - works on the campaign full time and - is also one of our four directors. Ben has spent the last five years figuring out what’s wrong with the financial system. He now spends his time working on the Positive Money campaign, working with MPs, think tanks, charities, academics and unions to promote a better understanding of the real issue with debt-based money and fractional reserve banking. Ben is a co-author of ‘Modernising Money’ along with Andrew Jackson.
Ben originally studied Development Economics at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS, University of London) before spending 2 years in a team of 4 growing a start-up business in the financial sector and successfully securing funding from the founder of a FTSE 250 firm.

Joseph Stiglitz – Former Chief Economist of the Worldbank and 2001 Nobel Laureate in Economics – for a long while after the 2007 global financial crisis Joseph Stiglitz was of the opinion that the entirely private loan based money system could still be tweaked to work for the greater good – if only the private bankers would change their ways – when it became obvious they wouldn't – he now advocates a reforming of the current financial system from the ground up;

Ellen Brown - developed her research skills as an attorney practicing civil litigation in Los Angeles. In Web of Debt, she turns those skills to an analysis of the Federal Reserve and “the money trust.” She shows how this private cartel has usurped the power to create money from the people themselves, and how we the people can get it back.
In The Public Bank Solution, the 2013 sequel, she traces the evolution of two banking models that have competed historically, public and private; and explores contemporary public banking systems globally.

Margrit Kennedy – has for many years researched the concept of a non-circulation fee upon currency – as promoted over the years by Silvio Gesell - Irving Fisher and Frederick Soddy - in order to prevent the build up of a debt leveraged merry go round forming above the real economy and sucking the lifeblood out of it;

William K. Black - now a professor of law at the University of Missouri at Kansas City, is a former bank regulator who played an integral role in throwing a number of high-level executives in jail for white-collar crimes during the savings and loan crisis in the 1980s.

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