money question as a whole;
Economics is the study of
the distribution of finite resources in a manner that leads to
certainty and stability. The study of societies senior most balance
sheet – which is its credit contract with nature.
Currency is the lifeblood
of any modern economy – thus it is important to understand the role
of credit and currency in the money system of an economy.
When you hear talk of
right – left or centre of politics – that refers to the spectrum
of ideas of how a money system should work to best bring certainty
and stabilty to an economy.
Capitalism – the right
of the spectrum - is the idea of individual private profit motive
ownership - of every aspect of the economy – both necessity of life
provision and luxuries of life provision – including credit
accountancy and currency issue.
Communism – the left of
the spectrum - is the idea of state ownership as a
co-operative on behalf of
individual citizen members - of every aspect of the economy – both
necessities of life provision and luxury of life provision –
including credit accountancy and currency issue.
Centrism – middle of the
spectrum – is the debated territory of a mix of the above to bring
certainty and stability to an economy.
There is now a majority
global consensus among economists – aside from a few minority
pockets of tyranical slave-mindedness - that Capitalism and Communism
- implemented in their full description - ultimately slide into caste
class pyramid scams - that are offensive to individual human nature -
that seeks dignified freedom of choice – thus lead to uncertainty
and instabilty – thus the answer sits somewhere in the middle by
cherry picking the best of the two ideas where they have been
practiced thus far and discarding that – that causes uncertainty
and instability.
Given the economy is
essentially the body - of which - within it - money is a circulatory
arterial system - that circulates currency - as the lifeblood of the
economy – to understand how best to keep the economic body healthy
– you must first understand the role of credit and currency in a
money system to understand if yours is presently long-term healthy or
in regards to New Zealand today lets explore these questions;
How does New Zealand's
money system – as it is now - and predominantly has been –
actually work?
Who currently does the
credit accountancy of New Zealand's money system?
What circulates as
currency in our money system and from who does our currency currently
Under what terms and
conditions does it come?
Under these terms and
conditions – as they currently stand – can economic growth ever
cover the interest bearing debt you are forced to take on to attempt
to achieve the economic growth?